
  1. Amateur radio heard SOS in Welsh town 2,000 miles away
  2. H

    Finding a definitive source of Titanic's Distress Calls and replies:

    for a while now, I been searching online and though several books for a definitive and complete timeline of all of Titanic's distress calls and replies from other ships. I just recently brought "Titanic: Signals of Disaster" but was slightly disappointed to find just a few miscellaneous...
  3. K

    Newly Discovered SOS Telegram in Texas Proves Titanic Owners May Have Lied

    Distress telegram from Titanic for sale in Texas, offers new details on famous sinking ship Distress telegram from Titanic for sale in Texas, offers new details on famous sinking ship - San Antonio Express-News
  4. Why Was SOS Position 20 Miles From Wreck?

    Sam Halpern and Jim Currie have been discussing Californian's navigation here: There are a few miles' inconsistency or uncertainty in Capt. Lord's reported positions, many of which are by dead reckoning. I have been told...
  5. J

    Anyone ever hear of the SNES game SOS

    On June 1st, 1994, game publisher Vic Tokai, Inc. released a game called "SOS" (or "Septentrion" in japanese (セプテントリオン)). The game takes place on an Olympic class ship called "Lady Crithania", and takes place September 13, 1921 at 7:11pm. 2300 are on board as the ship is in the Humbleton...
  6. K

    May 2003 Norwegian Fishing Boat Picks Up Titanic SOS

    the world weekly news a tabloid has reported a Nowegeian fishing captain who says he has picked up a sos from the titanic that some is still alive on on her and wants off take for what its worth and consider the source
  7. Did the Titanic send the first SOS

    Titanic NOT the first user By Brian J. Ticehurst OVER the years many myths and fallacies have grown up around the Titanic. Not least the myth that the Titanic was the first vessel to use the International Distress Call 'SOS'. This is not so - the facts are these:- The first Radio Distress...
  8. E

    Cqd sos

    These are the actual distress calls received by various people from the titanic as they sank. I couldn't help myself but post them Notice the MSG. This is titanic. It's pretty creepy to see the actual cries for help.
  9. T

    NZer sending out an SOS

    Hello Everyone, For as long as I can remember, my imagination has been captivated by the story of the Titanic. I live in New Zealand and although I have scoured libraries, book stores and the internet, my appetite for information has not been satisfied. I would really appreciate any...
  10. P

    The meaning behind CQD and SOS

    'CQD' was standardised as a maritime distress call by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company in 1904. 'CQ' had been used by British landline operators as a general call-up ("All stations attend") for quite some time, so most shipboard operators were familiar with it. However, Guglielmo Marconi...
  11. E

    Answered What happened to the Arapahoe that sent the SOS?

    Hi Dave Do you know what happened to the Arapahoe that it had to send the SOS? Thanks, Elaine
  12. P

    Answered What does SOS stand for?

    What does S.O.S. stand for? I've heard various answers such as Save Our Ship.