the shipbuilder magazine

  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Evolution of the Design

    THE evolution of the Atlantic liner of today has been one of the most remarkable achievements in the scientific progress and commercial activity of modern times. It is difficult to realize that only 73 years have elapsed since the Atlantic was first crossed by a vessel continuously under steam...
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : The White Star Line

    THE completion of the immense liner Olympic to be followed very shortly by the sister ship Titanic the largest ships in the world adds yet another triumph of shipbuilding and engineering skill to the splendid list of vessels built for the Atlantic passenger service. In no other trade have such...
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Refrigerating Installation

    THE refrigerating installation on board the Olympic and Titanic embodies all the latest facilities for efficient cold storage. The ship’s provision rooms situated aft on the lower and orlop decks see Plate V. are most extensive and include separate cold chambers for beef; mutton poultry and game...
  4. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Passenger Accommodation

    FULL advantage has been taken of the great size of the Olympic and Titanic to provide passenger accommodation of unrivalled extent and magnificence. As will beseen from the deck plans reproduced in Plates III. IV. and V. the arrangement has been most carefully considered from all points of view...
  5. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : The Propelling Machinery

    A detailed description of the Titanics engines propellers and other equipment with illustrations.... The Shipbuilder Wed, 00 Jun 1911
  6. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Building of the Hulls

    Detailing the key aspects of construction of the Olympic and Titanic hulls... The Shipbuilder Wed, 00 Jun 1911
  7. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : The Electrical Equipment

    Description of electrical arrangements on the Olympic and Titanic including powergeneration telephones etc.... The Shipbuilder Wed, 00 Jun 1911
  8. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Olympic & Titanic : Trials of the Olympic, and Departure from Belfast

    31st May 1911 saw both the launch of the Titanic and the departure from Belfast of the Olympic... The Shipbuilder Wed, 00 Jun 1911