third class

  1. Arun Vajpey

    William Henry Tornquist

    William Henry Törnquist : Titanic Survivor I remembered Tornquist after reading a post about August Johnson (Johansson) recently and looking up the details on ET. Those two men, along with William Cahoone Johnson Jr., Lionel Leonard, Alfred Carver and Thomas Storey were employees of the...
  2. schara01

    Third class Syrian or Lebanese dining room

    In the biography of Shawneene George Joseph, she mentions that the Syrian/Lebanese immigrants in 3rd class had their own dining saloon. Was it just a section of the dining saloon that they had, or did they really have their own separate dining saloon? I'm assuming they wouldn't have been served...
  3. schara01

    Unidentified victim #328

    Good morning, This is my first post so please advise if I need to post elsewhere but I just had a quick question. I am fascinated by the stories of the 3rd class passengers as well as the identification of victims. I am confused as to the identity of body #328. Many sources (including her page)...