titanic officers

  1. turkyleginman

    White Star Line Titanic Officers Uniform Regulations Guide

    I decided to make this guide in a PDF file for those who want to start their own White Star Line Titanic Officers Uniform. This isn't a full replica/copy of the regulation book that White Star Line Officers would have, but more of a guide that lists everything to start your own White Star Line...
  2. RonJF2

    Officers wearing lifebelts

    Hello all, I have always wondered if Captain Smith, First Officer Murdoch, and Sixth Officer Moody wore lifebelts that night/morning. I know that Lightoller did and Wilde did because Wilde told Lightoller he was going to get his so I'm assuming he put it on. However, I have never found any...
  3. ShawSavill

    Interaction between officers and passengers?

    How often did passengers interact with the officers of ships like Titanic and other liners from the 1900-1920 period? We have the famous accounts of Captain Smith dining with passengers, but how often would a passenger have interacted with, say Wilde or Murdoch?
  4. Bob Read

    A Major Revision to Our Prior Understanding of the Positions of Skid Lights on Titanic's Officers' Quarters

    Recently, members of the Titanic research community discovered discrepancies in the conventional wisdom arrangement of skid lights on Titanic's officer's quarters. They then set about to make corrections and revisions to the former conventional wisdom. Their work has produced results of a...
  5. J

    Did junior officers really not wear the executive curl?

    Hello, I have been researching something that I wish to find more about. I read that junior officers on the Titanic did not wear the executive curl on their uniforms, but I was wondering if there was anymore information to back this up. There is previous comments on this website which speak of...
  6. Bailie A. Chapman

    Titanic officers and a gentleman

    Hello, has anyone read Titanic officers and a gentleman here? I don't know if it is worth reading or not. Best wishes, Bailie
  7. Bailie A. Chapman

    Photos about the officers

    Hello everyone, I am not certain if this topic has been discussed or not, but im cerious if there are any photos of the Titanic officers. I have seen one before, however, it had a low quality with a pretty bad lighting so I couldn't really analyze it. It was common to take photos of crew...
  8. Bailie A. Chapman

    Pitman and Murdoch

    Hello everyone! I've just made this account, but I've been reading this forum for a long time. There is one thing that seems quite odd to me. Pitman said on his testimony that he knew Murdoch well. I might be wrong but I think they did not serve together before the voyage of Titanic. Is there...
  9. Sarah S

    Did Officers oversee the boarding of passengers?

    Hello everyone, when passengers embarked the ship, would there be an officer standing at the gate and welcoming the passengers (in first class)? And would there be officers in the other classes too to check their tickets? Because in the 1997 movie, when Jack and Fabrizio rushed to catch the...
  10. RonJF2

    2nd Officer Lightoller not wanting to stay in the same hotel as crew

    After completing Wyn Craig Wade's great work for about the 15th time, I still find it remarkable that Charles Lightoller threw a fit that he had to eat and sleep in the same hotel as common crew. He did realize he did that on the Titanic? What a prima donna. Does anyone know the reason for this...
  11. M

    How old is Lightoller in this particular Photo?

    This is a well known photo of Lightoller, but what do we actually know about it? He seems very young, so we can only assume that it was taken a while before the Titanic ever set sail. But some important questions regarding the photo. Where was this photo taken? How old is Lightoller in this...
  12. M

    What officers and crew did between trips

    This is the first in an irregular and not very extensive series. 8 August 1923: C. Eugene Sweeny of Ridgewood, New Jersey, who returned home on Celtic II on 5 August after a month abroad, entertains the ship's commander Arthur Holme and the ship’s surgeon, Dr. T. R. A. Atkins, at the Ridgewood...
  13. M

    What if the crew reshuffle had never happened?

    This is a Massive what if question, but what if the crew reshuffle had never happened? We would have to consider many things such as, Wilde not being on the ship at all, Murdoch being the chief officer, Lightoller being the 1st officer, and one that intrigues me, the original 2nd officer David...
  14. Daniel Harrison

    Officers on PCP?

    I've heard a rumor that said that someone laced PCP into the crew's dinner on the night of the sinking, and as a result, the officers hallucinated and couldn't see the iceberg until it was too late. And coincidentally, this being the more important part, the exact same thing would happen 84...
  15. Sarah S

    Officers‘ letters

    Were are the letters of titanic officers located? Do their descendants keep them or are they gathered in some archive? Can normal citizens like us get permission to read their letters or would you need to be a close relative or friend of their families? Sometimes I see a few postcards written...
  16. White Star Company Man

    White Star Officer's Cap

    Greetings fellow Titanophile's, long time lurker, first time poster here. I recently brought to end a 37 year quest when I took delivery of a cap that is probably the most dead on accurate replica of the cap worn by the R.N. and merchant navy in 1912. The neat thing is it has never been...
  17. Sarah S

    For how long were officers away from home?

    Good evening, it is a known fact that being employed on ships will always take you far away from home for a long time. If we look at officers like Moody, Lightoller or Murdoch, any officer from the edwardian era, specifically White Starline officers, what did their general schedule look like...
  18. Sarah S

    Officers waking each other up

    Hello dear members, so I wondered once again about the typical duty of an officer. Then I remembered the fact that Officer Boxhall was ordered to wake up officers Lightoller, Lowe and Pitman who were sleeping when the Titanic collided with the iceberg. This was kind of an emergency so...
  19. Sarah S

    Friendships between officers and passengers

    Hello everyone~ I have seen some pictures where officers are posing with passengers, although it was always conveyed to me that officers were somehow unable / forbidden to have close interactions with them. Yet some of those pictures looks so intimate and close that I doubt the officers had...
  20. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Officers' Luncheon Menu

    A rare Titanic menu details one of the Titanic officers final meals on board. The handwritten menu is undated but the auctioneers' research has led them to conclude it is most likely from the weekend that the Titanic was lost. The menu was saved by First-Class Saloon Steward Edward Wheelton...