
  1. Thomas Krom

    Identification of unidentified people in survivor accounts

    Hello everyone, today this post marks my 1000th post on this forum. It’s been a wild ride, that for the most part has been an adventure of a lifetime for me with positive experiences and a lot of new information, discussions and conclusions. Dedicated to this milestone I want to dedicate my...
  2. S

    Unidentified crew member?

    Hi all, i recently purchased a large group of sixty old glass plate negatives, all of which relate to Titanic and appear to be roughly contemporary with the sinking. It seems likely they were produced to form a lantern slide lecture or photograph album and appear to be almost entirely...
  3. Marie L

    Unidentified women

    In 1912, was 13 unidentified bodies of women and teenage girl, I find from that page: https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/description-of-unidentified-bodies.html Numbers: #3/#5/#8/#12/#13/#54/#55/#63/#76/#132/#210/#281/and #328 Am I right? Is this the complete list of bodies from all ships...
  4. schara01

    Unidentified victim #328

    Good morning, This is my first post so please advise if I need to post elsewhere but I just had a quick question. I am fascinated by the stories of the 3rd class passengers as well as the identification of victims. I am confused as to the identity of body #328. Many sources (including her page)...
  5. T

    Unidentified Victims

    I've noticed that on this website that there are unidentified persons and that its seems to give at least some description of the people. Why has not one person at least made an attempt to "guess" at who these people could have been?
  6. P

    Victim #26

    Was the "Cowes" address refer to a hotel? If he was a cook would He had a"Brass Apron Clip". Yet he had a "white Steward Coat". Could he have been employed as a WAITER-did waiters have a cloth apron clip after carrying a cloth under the tray?
  7. L

    Religious identification of unknown victims

    To avoid misunderstandings about my questions, perhaps I should begin by explaining that although I personally am Episcopalian (i.e., American form of the Church of England), I am partially of Jewish descent and interested in Jewish history and genealogy. 1. Other than Michel Navratil, Sr...