
  1. E

    C Deck Dining Room for Valets and personal Maids

    Hello, all! My name is Evgueni, I've been a rivet counter since the age of five (Thank you, "SOS Titanic," haha) but a first time poster on this wonderful site. Hope you'll come to like me! :-) So, I was wondering, are there any surviving menus for the dining room for the personal maids and...
  2. M

    Seek picture of Wm Carter Sr with his manservant Mr Cairns before sinking

    Have been actively researching the manservant of Wm Carter Sr, an Alexander Cairns. I now have a photograph which stands a good chance of being him, am looking for confirmation by hopefully locating a photograph of Mr Carter with Mr Cairns. Chances are slim of such a photograph existing, but I...
  3. G

    Two Questions about maids and valets

    Hi! Two more questions just came to my mind: 1) Did the first class passengers' maids and valets have their own private quarters or stayed with their employers? I am aware of the inside rooms in B deck suites. 2) Were they treated as passengers or only as employees? I know some first class...
  4. Michael Shetina

    A Manservant to Mrs White

    It seems odd that Mrs. White would have a manservant. Does anyone have any info on him. Greatly Appriciated.
  5. M

    Ladies Maids and Valets

    What was the attitude towards Ladies Maids and Valets aboard ship? Because their tickets were paid for, what restrictions applied to them on board? I imagine that these passenger would never dare frequenting the first class passengers public rooms, not if they wanted to keep their positions...
  6. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Richard Thomas Fry