violet madeline mellenger

  1. L

    Madeleine Violette Mellenger

    Good Afternoon: I just found this page and have joined "the club". My great aunt and her mother survived the sinking and are listed in several places. My question is this: why do you continue to misspell her name: I have a letter from her in which she states: My name was Madeleine Violette...
  2. A

    I Found Some New Pictures

    Some new pictures I found of children and teens on the Titanic: Madeline Mellinger - The story of one Titanic survivor | Beach Metro Community News Mary Lines - wellman2.jpg » Archive » Kokomo Tribune; Kokomo, Indiana Hildur Hirvonen - Dalsbruksborna överlevde Titanic Wells family -...
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Elizabeth Anne Mellenger and Violet Madeline Mellenger
  4. H

    Photo of Madeleine Mellinger and Robertha Watt

    Hello, As you probably know, my obsessive hobby in life is finding pictures of the children on the Titanic. Most people would probably say 'get a life' but I can't; I love the Titanic so much and I want pictures of Misses Mellinger and Watt so badly that I can't even sleep at night for want of...
  5. P

    Mellengers: Lifeboat 12 or 14

    Greetings, Bravo! your web site is very well done, informative and above all accurate! I attended Divine Service this morning at Trinity Anglican Church and undertook a casual discussion with an elderly lady (Mrs. E.R. Mellenger) Coincidently, her mother-in-law and sister-in-law were rescued 2nd...