
  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Colonel astor's will

    The will has now been proved in London of COLONEL JOHN JACOB ASTOR of Fifth Avenue New York who died in the wreck of the Titanic aged 47. The personal estate in the United Kingdom has been sworn for probate as of the net value of £90965. His will is dated September 18 last shortly after...
  2. A

    Descendants of the 1st Class Wealthy Passengers

    Yeah i was wondering if the decedents of the wealthy families on board: ex. Astors, Thayers, Wideners, Carters, Guggenheims, Duff Gordons, Strauss's,Molly Brown's family, Countess of Rothes family, etc... if they are still ultrawealthy, what they doing today and if they have anything to do w/...
  3. B

    How many millionaires

    I am interested to know how many of the titanic's passengers were millionaires. I have heard somewhere that there were 12 on board. I know for certain that Astor, Guggenheim, Straus, Widener, Thayer, Douglas, Chaffee and Wright were all up there. Were there any others? Ben