Who is writing a Titanic book right now

I'm curious...how many list members currently have a Titanic book in the development or pre-publication stage right now? I pick up snippets here and there, and what I hear seems to indicate that a good number of book projects are in the works. It'd be nice to have a summary.

For myself, I'm expecting to have my monograph on Titanic's wireless installation published next year.

I am working on a one-act "docu-play." Does that count? It will be performed before it is published, I'm afraid.
Not that I'm in a league anywhere close to you other authors out there, but I do believe I have a slant and something to say.
For myself, I've completed my quarter-million-word Olympic class history which is being considered for publication. Though it isn't really classed as a 'Titanic book.' In addition, I have begun work on another book.

I was meaning to say Parks, congratulations on your good news.

Best regards,


by 'Olympic class history' can I assume you mean a history of the Olympic class liners? if so, that would most certainly have a lot of Titanic content.

I'm sure a lot of us would be very interested; please do keep us posted.

best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Well, I was but now it's uncertain.
I had been working on an "Updated Passenger List," covering everyone who had been added in all the various movies. I hadn't gotten too far along in it, and a good thing too, since now I gotta start over from the beginning 'cause I lost it when I reformatted.

Thus, the moral of the day: Back up everything!

Still dutifully plugging away at the Lowe bio - the ms currently stands at around 80,000 words, with some sections still in note form waiting to be written up (would be more, but Kez occasionally takes a much needed chainsaw to some of my more excessive verbiage). I'm fairly happy with where we stand at the moment, although there are some sections I've identified as weak and in need of more substantial research. I've had to slow down in recent months as I've overstretched my research budget in accessing material from overseas sources - ordering huge swags of documents and paying for proxy researchers and postage adds up to a considerable amount of dough. Have a few more little digging expeditions to do here in the UK as well, but it's looking good at the moment - I think I speak for Kerri as well when I say that it's taking shape well.

There have been other distractions, of course - I've been working with Jeff Newman on his publication of the Bell photo album (although I've been such a slacker in the last month or so that Jeff might question whether 'working' is the correct terminology).

While working on these larger projects I've also been pottering around with the odd periodical article - I have a couple coming up that will hopefully be less dry than what I've published to date, as the material I've used lends itself to a more reader-friendly narrative style.

~ Inger
And, of course, I'm still working on "The Annotated Loss of the S S Titanic" by Lawrence Beesley. Finally have the full text and am updating annotations, acquiring photos, trying to get permission from owners, etc. This work includes Beesley's text with annotations (over 200) and many more photos, a more thorough biography, his original (and more complete) newspaper account (no one newspaper printed his full account, I've found), some of his early works, a letter he wrote to the Fenwicks (Carpathia passengers) and on and on.

Best regards,
After a few setbacks, I find out I have many friends, and because of their faith and support, I hope to have soon completed "Women and Children First: A Titanic Survivors' Manifest". What started out as a research hobby for me became quite a wealth of information which I felt should be shared. I always wanted to know about the survivors, what lifeboats they were in, who they were with, where they came from, where they were going, etc. I felt that if I could learn these secrets it would help me survive my own titanic disaster.
I'm still taking orders (the information is under the thread, "Titanic Books: Kyrila's book"). I believe Bill Wormstedt has posted a couple of sample pages of my book on his website. Perhaps he'll share the URL for you to peruse - Bill?
Michael (TheManInBlack) T ,

<FONT COLOR="ff0000">by 'Olympic class history' can I assume you mean a history of the Olympic class liners? if so, that would most certainly have a lot of Titanic content.

Yes, and there is much Titanic material, but also Britannic and Olympic so it cannot really be classed as a 'Titanic exclusive' book. There are so many Titanic books already. I'll know more in the next few weeks and I have promised to let people know by posting in my intro. thread.

Best regards,
