Still dutifully plugging away at the Lowe bio - the ms currently stands at around 80,000 words, with some sections still in note form waiting to be written up (would be more, but Kez occasionally takes a much needed chainsaw to some of my more excessive verbiage). I'm fairly happy with where we stand at the moment, although there are some sections I've identified as weak and in need of more substantial research. I've had to slow down in recent months as I've overstretched my research budget in accessing material from overseas sources - ordering huge swags of documents and paying for proxy researchers and postage adds up to a considerable amount of dough. Have a few more little digging expeditions to do here in the UK as well, but it's looking good at the moment - I think I speak for Kerri as well when I say that it's taking shape well.
There have been other distractions, of course - I've been working with Jeff Newman on his publication of the Bell photo album (although I've been such a slacker in the last month or so that Jeff might question whether 'working' is the correct terminology).
While working on these larger projects I've also been pottering around with the odd periodical article - I have a couple coming up that will hopefully be less dry than what I've published to date, as the material I've used lends itself to a more reader-friendly narrative style.
~ Inger