Titanic Memorials WorldWide Brian Ticehurst

Hi I am looking forthis book, Ticehurst, Brian J. TITANIC’S MEMORIALS WORLDWIDE: WHERE THEY ARE LOCATED: A LISTING OF THE MEMORIALS AND GRAVE SITES/STONES OF BOTH TITANIC VICTIMS AND SURVIVORS. Southampton: B&J Printers. 1996. Does nayone know where i can get it, I have been looking for a book like this for years!! Thanks

Occasional Papers Series Reprinted November 2006

Following a surge of interest and demand I have updated and had the following Papers reprinted - they are:

Titanic Memorials World-wide Where They Are Located.
By Brian J. Ticehurst. 25th Reprint. ISBN number 1871733057. Lists over 1,000 Titanic memorials and graves in 34 Countries with memorials to over 1,000 people. 100 A4 pages. Soft cover. Price £6.00 plus postage: UK 75p; Europe £1.72; Rest of World £3.11.

The Titanic's Rescuers - Captain Arthur Rostron and the Crew of the Carpathia and the Carpathia. By Brian J. Ticehurst. 3rd reprint. ISBN Number 1871733073. Contains all the facts about the Carpathia including complete Crew Listing and partial Passenger list. Lists all of Captain Rostrons medals and decorations and awards and much more. 65 A4 pages. Soft cover. Price £4.50 plus postage: UK 55p; Europe £1.53. Rest of world £2.71.

Titanic Passenger Miss Kate Buss. By Brian J. Ticehurst. 4th reprint. ISBN 1871733030. Contains Miss Buss's own account of the tragedy in a series of letters and reports. Most interesting. 22 A4 pages. Soft cover. Price £3.00 plus postage: UK 44p; Europe £0.95; Rest of world £1.44.

Titanic Victims in the Old Cemetery The Common, Southampton.By Brian J. Ticehurst. 7th reprint. ISBN number 1871733049. Gives details of all the Titanic Victims Graves and Memorials so far found in this large cemetery. 44 (with photographs) have so far been found. Comes with map and references. 45 A4 pages. Soft cover. Price £4.50 plus postage: UK 55p; Europe £1.14; Rest of world £1.87.
All the above are published by B&J Publications at the address below.

New book published October 2006
Southampton Seaman's Home, Oxford Street, RMS Titanic Connections. By Brian J. Ticehurst. Published by Southampton City Council. ISBN number 0954394178. First edition. Gives details of all the crew men who stayed at the Seaman's Home prior to embarking on the RMS Titanic with a biography for each man and their fate etc. 12 A4 pages. Colour soft cover. Price £4.99 plus postage. UK 55p; Europe £1.14; Rest of world £1.87p.
If you order more than one book ask for a postage quotation - it will be a lot less.
Paypal and $ Bills accepted.
My address is Brian J. Ticehurst 1 Mardon Close, Swaythling, Southampton, Hants., UK .
[email protected]
Great news! I've been waiting for the new (25th) edition of "Titanic Memorials World-wide Where They Are Located" for some time now. You'll be hearing from me soon, Brian (and from many others, I'm sure, who'll want to add this volume to their Titanic libraries).

Book News
Due to several requests I have now updated and reprinted my Book (details below). If anyone is interested in a copy lease mail me off board - thanks Brian J Ticehurst.
[email protected]
Titanic Memorials World-wide Where They are Located. Published by B&J Printers and cost is £7.00, £1.70p p&p UK, £2.50 Europe and £4.00 Rest of the World. Stiff cover, 109 pages. This is the 25th updated reprint.
Some Statistics from this paper:
There are more than 1156 memorials, gravestones, graves, plaques, mentions on gravestones and places of remembrance etc., listed.
There are more than 1048 people named.
There are memorials listed from 35 countries.
There are nine memorials to Captain Edward J. Smith.
There are 20 memorials to the Titanic's Band and Bandleader Mr. Wallace Hartley.
The biggest concentration of graves and memorials is in Southampton with 179+, followed by Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, with 157+, next is New York with 115+, Liverpool 36+, France 31+, Massachusetts, 34+, Pennsylvania 34+, New Jersey 26+, London 23+ and there are no less than 17 memorials and plaques or ashes scattered on the wreck of RMS Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean, also Belfast, Northern Ireland has 16 memorials.
I can assure you that there are still many more memorials to find.
Over 365 people (listed in the Acknowledgements page at the back) have, so far, contributed information and shared their finds - for which I am very grateful.

[Moderator's note: This message, originally posted to a thread about a different book, has been moved to this pre-existing (and renamed) thread discussing Brian's book. MAB]
I now have a copy of Brian's paper, and provide the following supplement
to what he wrote last month

This is an invaluable work, modestly described by its author as "[a]
listing of the memorials and grave sites/stones of both Titanic Victims
and Survivors." It is, in fact the product (as of 20 January 2011) of
thirty-seven years of collecting information from people in all parts
of the world; in his Introduction, Brian writes that "[o]ver 365 ...
people have, so far, contributed information" about more than 1150
memorials of various sorts in 35 countries.

The main part of the book is divided into two parts. The first is an
alphabetical listing of over 1,000 passengers and crew members, with the
location of their graves and other memorials, and (in some cases) the text
appearing on headstones, plaques, and the like. (There are also listings
for a handful of people who were not on the ship, but play roles in
Titanic's story, including Thomas Ismay, Herbert Haddock and three Lords
(Walter, Stanley, Pirrie, but not Mersey).) In addition to well-known
information (such as J.J. Astor's burial site and memorial stained glass
windows in New York City and Rhinebeck, New York), Brian has accumulated
information about memorials to less-well-known individuals, such as the fact
that ship's confectioner Ernest Farenden is named on his family grave in
Emsworth, Hampshire, and that Helen Mockler (later Sister Mary Patricia,
O.S.M.) is buried in the Sisters of Saint Mary section of St. Joseph's
Cemetery in Leicester, Massachusetts.

The amount of detail provided in this section about each memorial varies.
In many cases, only the name and location of the cemetery or memorial is
given. In other cases, Brian or his contributors have provided additional
details, such as the text of inscriptions, cemetery plot locations and
directions, all of which are dutifully included.

After 61 pages of the singled spaced, densely typed passenger index, Brian
provides a second listing, this one by geographical location. (Locations in
the U.K. are indexed sometimes by the name of the city/town (e.g., "Belfast"
or "Southampton"), sometimes by county name (e.g., "Lancashire, Birkenhead")
and sometimes by country name (e.g., "Scotland, Dalbeattie"); locations in
the U.S. are listed first by state and then by city/town (such as "New
Jersey, Jersey City") and locations in other countries are listed by country
name first (such as "Ireland, Balley Boffey" and "Australia, Ballarat").)
That aside, the geographical section very easily directs the reader to
locations of interest; I've learned, for example, that there are still quite
a few locations in the New Jersey/New York area that I need to visit, camera
in hand.

Finally, there's a "Part 3," a listing of the people from literally all
parts of the world who have provided information that's gone into this
listing, with an apology to anyone who may have been "inadvertently missed."

As to "technical details," the book contains 109 pages, printed on A-4 size
paper (a little longer and narrower than letter-size in the U.S. and Canada)
stapled at the left margin.There are only a few photos, reproduced in black
and white, but Brian provides links to several web sites where photos are
available, including ET.

A work like this one can only exist due to the dedicated compilation of
information by Brian over many, many years. It's not for folks looking for a
history of the ship, biographies of her passengers and crew, or the story
of her sinking, but for a directory of memorials it can't be beat, and probably
could never be duplicated. Highly recommended.