The Dream and Then the Nightmare The Syrians

That will indeed be very interesting - and timely considering events in the Middle East right now. It is important that westerners avail themselves of information about other cultures than their own so that an understanding can lead to peaceful relationships between our countries. In essence, we find that we all have the same goals and dreams and we're more alike than we thought.

Looking forward to it, Leila! For the monolingual among us (like myself), it's brilliant to see someone working with primary sources to which we wouldn't otherwise have access in order to illuminate the less explored areas of Titanic history.
I spoke with someone from New Jersey (name escapes me now) about 7 years ago who had planned on writing such a book. I never heard another thing from them. I am intrigued about the subject as Bert John (A.K.A. Borrah Hannah) was a resident of my home town of Port Huron. He is buried about a mile from our house. Bert was one of 27 men who left their village in Syria on board the Titanic, & one of seven who survived. I do hope this book becomes a reality as I would love to present a copy to his surviving family members
Now Available: The Dream and then the NIghtmare-The Syrians who Boarded the Titanic-The Story of the Arabic-Speaking Passengers by Leila Salloum Elias
ISBN: 978-9933-9083-1-4

The Dream and then the Nightmare: The Syrians who Boarded the Titanic- The Story of the Arabic-speaking Passengers, is now available at:

Dahesh Heritage Fine Books
1775 Broadway
Sutie 533
New York, NY 10019

Tel. 212-265-0600
Fax: 212-265-0601
email: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
The book has 366 pages including photos-28 photos. I am attempting to upload the jacket cover and information about the book. Bear with me as it is not allowing me to upload for 'oversize purposes'.
who has the book "The Dream an then the Nightmare the syrians aboard the Titanic" by Leila Salloum , how is it, are there any information or photos of the Passenger from Kafr Mishki in Syria (now Lebanon)

Marianna Assaf Khalil
Saiide Barbara
Catherine David Barbara
Maria Elias Caram
Joseph jr. Elias
Assaf Thamah Gerios
Tannous Nasrallah Elias
Joseph Shahin Elias
Hanna Mansoure
Mansoure Nofal
This appears to be a very good book. Bob Bracken, no mean passenger researcher, sings its praises. Pity it is available from only one outlet, and that they charge a fortune to ship outside of the US.

[Moderator's note: This message and the one above it, originally a separate thread, have been moved to this pre-existing thread discussing the same book. MAB]