Favorite Moment

OK, here's a topic to get people going: What are some of your favorite lines/scenes from ANTR? I'll start just one of my many favorites - the small group from steerage finally make their way up to the first class dining area. One says with complete awe "First Class", and they all just stare in amazement until the rolling tray (from the list of the ship) startles them and reminds them that they need to get off the Titanic - and fast!
Scene, before the iceberg is struck. Several slightly pickled steerage passengers approach a steward in second class:
"Say, lad, we're trying to find our bunks."
The steward replies they're in second class and need to go down to the end of the corridor and turn left. they turn, go halfway down the corridor and turn right.
Always make me chuckle...
OK - this is one of my favorites, even though it has NOTHING to do with the Titanic.
Two sailors out on the deck of the Carpathia (if I remember correctly). One sailor telling the other of his romantic problem with two sisters on board: "The younger one's prettier, but the older one's keener, if you know what I mean..." The other sailor says maybe he should "give them both a miss this trip". The first one replies, "What, and go for the mother instead?"
The elderly steward cradling a little boy in his arms as the stern begins to submerge; the desperate man stares in horror at the churning water as it rushes upward toward him, and he cries out, "Oh God!"

Never fails to choke me up.
I may have the verbatim quote slightly wrong - but it has to be the Irish passenger from steerage looking up into the night sky and saying, in awe, "...ah! Look at all the pretty rockets...!"


John M
The brilliant, heart-rending lifeboat scene where Lucas hands over his sleeping son (Arthur Lowe's son Stephen) to Lightoller, kissing the boy and saying: 'Goodbye, my dear son'. Excellent shot of Lights looking on, knowing that the father knows he will never see him again. Eat your heart out Cameron. PS Buy A Night To Remember: the definitive Titanic film by Jeffrey Richards. A great read
Whenever I see the young couple get crushed by the funnel (incorrectly depicted as the fourth) I stare at the screen in disbelief, even though I've seen it countless times.
There is also the moment where Mr. Lucas catches Mr. Andrews and asks what he should do about his wife and children. Andrews says to get them to the boats as soon as possible. Before he turns to go, Lucas says "I suspect you and I may be in the same boat later." Andrews replies "Yes." There's no way I can write out the way he says it, but there is so much going on behind the words. That's one of the things I really love throughout ANTR.
One of my favorite scenes from A Night to Remember is right when the Titanic is ready to set sail and the film shows the blowing of the whistles that are on Titanic's funnels. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
One of my favorite moments might be the strangest, but it never fails to get a laugh out of me...it's in the beginning, when the movie Lightoller is talking to his wife (movie Sylvia), and he mentions something about garters (it's been a LONG time since I've seen the movie, so I can't remember the exact line).

The first time I saw that scene, I actually couldn't stop laughing for about five minutes...it just was such a supremely human moment...I wonder if anyone ever contacted Sylvia Lightoller when they were making the film...
Sylvia Lightoller visited the set!

I thought Moody's quiet insistance that Andrews should accompany him to the Bridge 'If you please' after having just come from the bridge and having passed passengers in the corridor and reassured them one of the more understated but powerful moments.
Kritina, I've always wondered if Sylvia suggested that. I could very easily see Lights suggesting that he bring her scarlet garters, or some equally tacky item, just to tease her!

Pat W
I wondered that myself, Pat!!!!

I always wondered why that moment resonated with me...then I realized that it "feels" real, if that makes any sense. I almost wonder if something similar to that moment actually happened!!!