What if they remade A Night to Remember

Paul Lee

Hollywood seems to love remaking old films and maybe one day, they'll remake this (in some whizzy digital format, in colour, with excellent sound and special effects of course).

But...if you could remake the film, what would you change? Correct any errors or mistakes? Change characters, or dialogue? Put in new scenes? Or perhaps include research that wasn't known about at the time?

Best wishes


Well James Cameron really did not remake A Night to Remember.What he really did is create a fictitious love story with fictitious characters set aboard the Titanic.And remember the fictitious characters Jack and Rose really do not act like the real steerage men and first class women were like aboard the real Titanic.They seem to be out of their time of 1912 acting more like late 1990's brats.Which is why in my humble opinion A Night to Remember will always be the definitive Titanic movie
And if I were to be able to remake A Night to Remember the only things that I would change is to film the movie in color and film the scene in which the Titanic splits in two.And then I do have this question.A Night to Remember is a classic.so why remake it? It would be like doing a remake of The Wizard of Oz.What would be the point of remaking A Night to Remember?
If I was going to remake ANTR, I would try to make all the sets and costumes as accurate as possible, but script the thing so it would be faithful to the book that Walter Lord wrote....errors and all. If I was going to do a streightforward history, the result would be so different from ANTR and the later The Night Lives On, that I wouldn't see the point of using the original titles.
Cameron's movie was no ANTR, but it was still a very good film.
I would change some of the sinking sequences, mainly the splitting up scene. As well as the collapse of the forward funnel.I would probobly make the film about 3 hours. Maybe a bit more. I would add a few scenes to introduce the band earlier in the film. As well as the stokers.

ANTR was the first Titanic movie I saw, and remains my favourite. If they do make this I want to be involved. I figure if another guy from small town Ontario can do it, so can I!
Jerry Nuovo wrote: "why remake it? It would be like doing a remake of The Wizard of Oz."

Well, they did remake the Wizard of Oz called "The Wiz". It was an urban version set in New York City I recall. Oh! and it starred Michael Jackson, so I guess that does make it a horror film too. D'Oh!
I tend to agree with Jerry and Michael. By all means, there should at some point be a new and fastidiously accurate Titanic docudrama that takes into account everything that's been learned since Walter Lord's two books (and ANTR the film) came out. But out of respect for those great works and their place in the overall scheme of things, the new film should have a different title altogether. Too much has changed since then -- and that's by no means a slam at Walter Lord, it's just the ongoing cumulative nature of knowledge. A person might be able to make further refinements to Einstein's theory of relativity, but that person would be very much in error if he titled his work, "Einstein's Theory of Relativity." (Not that he'd ever really want to, I'm sure.)

Two things I would definitely miss in any contemporary recreation are that ANTR had access to all those still-living survivors, and that the actors themselves weren't yet all that much removed from the Edwardian era.
We still need a definitive dramatization of the Titanic story that not only keeps everything ANTR did right (especially on the Californian) but at long last depicts the near-collision with the New York.