
I was wondering if anyone else out there has noticed a peculiarity on their Night to Remember DVD (Criterion Edition).

On my DVD there appears to be a partially deleted scene revolving around the frozen child "rescued" by the two Irish emigrants on their approach to Collapsible B. We see them approach with the child but the scene ends without Lightoller checking to see whether the boy is alive and then sadly floating the body away with only a nod of his head to confirm the worst.

Anyone else notice this error, or did I just have the fantastic bad luck of buying a bum DVD?

Thanx for any help in advance.

-Patrick D.-

PS: Mine came from Amazon.com and I believe I paid thirty-five USD.
The scene was trimmed in this way for the original UK cinema release, presumably because it was deemed too distressing for audiences, but the full scene was restored when the film was released in the USA. On TV you may or may not get the full scene, depending on which print is in use. I believe it appears in full in some of the video releases but in none of the dvds.
Glad to be of assistance, Patrick, and welcome to the Board. It's surprising that Criterion did such a good job in improving the image quality of ANTR but didn't restore the missing footage.

Re Patrick's query:

Has anyone noticed that the current video version of ANTR available for sale in the UK is not the original release from Rank but the US cinema version - losing about three minutes of the 1958 running time of 123 mins and including the 'Their sacrifice was not in vain' message over the final shots of the Titanic debris? Does anyone know if it's possible to buy a video with the full running time - and - is anyone aware of a colourised version of ANTR?

I posted this query on another thread about a year ago. I bought the Rank video version of ANTR in 1983 (Betamax version, costing £50!!) and it was the orginal British release without the 'In Vain' coda - but plus the whole dead baby scene. Sadly, the only video version now available in the UK seems to be what I think is the US release, trimmed down to less than 120 mins so that a further film could be screened in picture houses. John Ford, director of The Quiet Man (129 mins running time) was told by Republic bosses to trim the film to less than two hours for the same reason. He did, initially, by cutting the Wayne-McLaglen fight scene. When said bosses saw the rushes they backed down. Any further comments on this topic?
I can only comment on the UK dvd release by Carlton. The image quality is exceptional, so I suspect this is the same 'restored' version issued in the US by Criterion, but without the commentary option (though the 'making of' documentary is included). In most respects it resembles the US cinema release (the coda is there, together with evidence of crude editing at some points) but the tail end of the baby scene is missing as in the UK cinema release. The running time is 118 minutes, I have heard, but cannot confirm, that Carlton's video release does have the full version of the baby scene. Confusing.

If there is a colourised version I've not come across it for sale, but that's no guarantee it doesn't exist. There is a quite convincing colourised version of 'The Longest Day' made for TV showings but the dvd and most if not all the video releases of this film are in the original b&w.
Since I live here in the U.S.A.,my dvd of A Night to Remember too has the dead baby scene deleted.It does have the commentary by Titanic experts Don Lynch and Ken Marschall along with the message at the end of the film That their sacrifice was not in vain.Along with the making of A Night to Remember documentary and theatrical trailers.I do think that film distributors do a disservice by having some scenes deleted from the dvd. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo

Yes. It is disheartening to have paid that amount of money only to feel=20 slightly cheated over the incomplete scene. Although, I have to say it was=20 well-worth the price just to see Edith Russell's pig! It was so ugly! I=20 thought it would look like the prop in ANTR! Instead, it was squat and fat=20 with what looked sharp, pointed teeth. What a mascot for her Mom to have=20 selected. Yowza.=20

As for the rest, I don't think there will ever be a colorized version of ANT= R=20 (Usually depends on demand and popularity...i.e. A Christmas Carol or It's A= =20 Wonderful Life), but I do feel another edition of ANTR will be released in=20 2012 complete and unedited (There are certainly enough Titanic fanatics to=20 demand it). :p

On another note that's somewhat related...Universal is undecided when it=20 comes to releasing Hitchcock's Lifeboat on DVD. I hope it goes through.=20 Amazon.com has started some kind of petition for it's release, so if you are= =20 like inclined to have one of his finest dramas on DVD as soon as possible,=20 log into Amazon and place your vote.

-Patrick D.-=20
Is it a final word?
Reminds me of The French Connection!!!
Upper New York.
Gene Hackman, Roy Scheider, pickin' my feet!
Best intentions, Don
(I think Patrick was replying via email. For example, I've noticed some of my posts via email are liberally sprinkled with '>'.)

Popped in to say that having just watched the Carlton video release (circa 1998?), I can report that the 'dead child' scene is indeed truncated. The swimmers make it to Collapsible B, ask Lightoller to look after the child, and that's it. Run time is 118 minutes.

This is the CTE Carlton release, via Village Roadshow, for home use within Australia. It's from The Great British Film Collection, a budget line including at least one other Kenneth More film (Genevieve).

I'll be keeping my eye on the telly listings, as ANTR is due for re-broadcast any week now. It'll be interesting to see which version the ABC are currently trying to wear out.

Sadly I haven't graduated to DVD quite yet, but perish the thought of a colourised ANTR!

I haven't seen the Criterion Edition dvd (not available in the UK) but recently read a review which gives the running time as 123 minutes - ie uncut. I suspect that figure was taken from a reference book rather than the actual length of this version. Could somebody please confirm the running length for the Criterion ANTR? It should be indicated on the box.
Thanks, Patrick. Sounds like it must be the full original UK cinema release - pity it's not obtainable in the UK as a Region 2 dvd, especially since it has the added attraction of the Lynch/Marschall commentary. Does anyone know of a direct source in the UK (even with Region 1 coding) for the Criterion disc?