Information Needed on Titanic Memorials


A friend of mine is creating a website called "Titanic: Memories of a Lost Era." A part of the site will focus on the many memorials created to remember the Titanic and those who sailed and died on her.

If anyone has any information on some less-known memorials (or more in-depth information on the well-knowns), then he has requested that you send it to the address below. Also, if you have photos of the sites and wouldn't mind sending them (he WILL give you credit for them...TRUST ME), or if you know of a website that has photos of the memorials, then please include them.

comawhite75 @

The address to the site is:

It's still under construction.


Shelley and Jemma,

Thanks for the information. I will give that link to my friend.

Jemma, if you don't mind, then you can send them to the e-mail address I posted above. My friend will be very greatful. Include your name in the e-mail; he wants to list everyone who helped out with his site, and this will help him give you credit for the pics you send.




You should get a copy of Brian Ticehurst's excelllent compilation of T memorials world-wide. He is editor of the BTS jounal and a good chap, etc.

Jemma and Gavin,

Thanks for your help; I'll pass it on to my friend. Jemma, he said that yes he would like the words to the speech e-mailed to him. Thanks guys!


Hey Daniel,

That's no problem, man. I look forward to seeing your site completed; I'm sure it will be wonderful.

P.S.: Are you still planning on sculpting the Titanic in art?


I was thinking of making list of all the Titanic memorials there are. I ended up not doing to much research but I have a list of about 20 sites about memorials, I can email them to your friend. You sould definitly check out Brian Ticehurst's book. had that one recommended to me.

Hello Trent,

I am sure he would appreciate that. Please do send them to him. I am thinking of ordering a copy of Mr. Ticehurst's book myself, it sounds like a very good read. Doesn't that book also mention the effects taken off the recovered victims, or do I have it confused with another title?


Hey everyone this is daniel, Ticehurst's book sounds like it would be good and again brandon thanks. If you are wondering why we can not find Titanic books is because no one around here has them except for library's thats it you have to order them off the internet just to get one well that is the way it seems brandon can tell you that but I will try to get it. Ever heard of Total Titanic by Marc Shapiro it is a nice little book, that was the last book about Titanic that I ever bought or seen in a store. And thanks Trent I would like the E-mail with the sites if you want I will add your name to my site, but only if you want me to.I would like to say thanks for all the stuff that I do get, in the meantime c-ya

Yes, Daniel is right about it being next-to-impossible to find Titanic books (or anything Titanic for that matter) in our area. I purchased both Pellegrino books off Amazon, and "Titanic: The Canadian Story" should be arriving around Wednesday. It looks very interesting, and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it! Perhaps it has information on some memorials for the Canadian passengers. If so, I can type what it has in an e-mail and send it to you, or you can borrow the book after I'm through. Either way, be sure to note the book's name as a reference on your site.

I suppose Ticehurst's book will be my next buy. With so many titles to choose from, it's hard to pick which one(s) to get!

I look forward to seeing your sculpture completed, Daniel!

