Titanic Ghosts

Suzanne, there are quite a few accounts of people experiencing near death apparitions, ghosts etc. Many came down through folk memory and oral tradition. How reliable these reports are is another question.

One that resonates eerily is the apparition connected with Matthew Sadlier of Clooncooe in Ireland, although it was not the ghost of Matthew himself that was purported to have appeared. As Senan Molony relates the tale in The Irish Aboard Titanic after Matthew's wrenching departure from home:


Days later, according to oral tradition, a Mr Easterbrook was cycling home when he met Matthew's dead sister walking along the estate avenue. Water was running down the hair of the ghost, which vanished with Easterbrook's balance as bike and rider crashed to the ground.
Matthew was among the lost.​

As Kritina's just pointed out in another thread, we seem to have two ghost/paranormal threads running at once. Susan - you might like to check out a parallel* discussion: Supernatural or Paranormal Titanic?

*parallel, but not necessary a duplication.
this is comming two years late for this tread, but if this Suzanne Mctaggart is still comming to this site, I would like to discuss this, i think this is really intressting.
Is there anybody in Southampton who is living in a house that the crew from Titanic were living in in 1912 that feels a presence? I realise that a number of houses were lost in WW2, however there must be a number of pre 1940 houses that are still residential.I would love to time travel to 1912 and warn the officers of the impending doom.What implecations would that have on today if you could change time???
"What implecations would that have on today if you could change time?"

The Nazi's would have won the War, We would all have been slaves unto the Eighth Reich, and then the Boxing Day Tsunami would have wiped the sun from the sky, leaving the ants in control of the Earth.

By asking such a question, you were asking for someone to someone to extract the urine.
>What implications would that have on today if you could change time???

Well, this message board would not exist, for one thing, had the officers been warned by a time traveller
Of course, if you time travelled to warn the officers, the second the iceberg was avoided you'd lose all memory of the Titanic disaster, it not having happened, and fly into an insane panic at finding yourself not in 2005 but 1912 with no idea of where you were, or why you were there. You might even lose any recall of how to return to 2005 since, of course, you'd also lose memory of time travelling back to a non-existing event and be trapped in 1912 with no money and no identification. Which means, likely, deportation back to England since Ellis Island had that money requirement. So, you'd be trapped with no money and no practical job skills 93 years in the past.
The implications can get even weirder, but I'll let it rest
“By asking such a question, you were asking for someone to someone to extract the urine.”

Your district nurse should be able to help if your are having fumbles with your catheters.

Here we go, Jim. If we were to send a time traveler to warn the Titanic crew, the ship wouldn't sink. At the same time, we would never know to send one in time to begin with, right? so really the ship was doomed either way, right? dunno, i just confused me, you and everybody else who reads this.
> At the same time, we would never know to send one in time to begin with, right?

Well, we'd know right up until the moment the iceberg was avoided. At that point, all memory of the disaster would be lost and we'd suddenly find ourselves in 1912 with no idea of how we got there and, worse, no memory of having time traveled and therefore no real way of getting back. Unless we were being monitored by someone in 2005 who had the means of bringing us back, we'd be stuck.