
Adam H

Has anyone ever thought about the subject of ghosts? I mean, there might be a ghost ship that hits an iceberg each year, on the 14'th of April. Re-living the tragedy over and over again. This is only an idea of course.
Also depends on whether or not you believe in ghosts. While I don't, I'm pretty sure others may have considered something along those lines. Of course, I've never heard of anything such as that, with the exception of the Flying Dutchman.


I for one do believe in ghosts and the afterlife, as I have had plenty of experience in my neighbor's 75-year-old home, whose walls have witnessed the deaths of at least eight previous owners.

I have never thought about a ghost ship striking an iceberg on the anniversary, but I have given thought to the possibility of the Titanic's victims continuing to roam through the eroded corridors, or "stroll" down the shaft that was once the Grand Staircase. And I can't help but imagine the ghost of Captain Smith and the officers and seamen who lost their lives on the ship continuing to "run her", not realizing that they are dead and the ship is now in ruins. Can't you just see the transparent ghost of Smith grasping the wheel that no longer exists, a smile spread across his face as he relives the maiden voyage over and over and over...?

Just a thought.


-B.W. neighbor's 75-year-old home, whose walls have witnessed the deaths of at least eight previous owners.

Dang Brandon! Where do you live?

...not realizing that they are dead...

That's pretty Bruce Willis-y.

Just messin' with ya man.


I belive in ghost and I have seen and heard them....Well I always loved to think of it like that whenever someone died that they always went to the place where their heart was or if they died a hoppliey or something like that. I love to think something like that happens
I believe in ghosts, but if there's one thing I'm hoping for - it's that there's no ghost still roaming the Titanic today. Like Courtney, I'm hoping that they went to a better place, and not left to roam the ship of dreams which turned into their worse nightmare. I hope they're not still there because we haven't cleared their names of what they were doing on that final fatal day...

I have experienced ghosts in both my home and my neighbor's home. In my home the voice of a young girl calls my name. This has happened so many times that we now ignore it. Once when I was left home alone, there came such a terrible banging sound from my parents' bedroom that I nearly ran out the door thinking someone had broken into the house. When I checked, no one was to be seen. I then locked myself in my room and didn't leave until my parents got back. But I digress, this is not a message board for ghost stories.

That reminds me, I need to view this month's pics at Ghost Study!


Heavens, the subject of ghosts is brought up, eh? Brandon, I envy you sir! Though I have had no run ins with the "has beens" my Father and my Uncle (in Scotland) have...and so, yes, I must admit I have sort of always thought they were there, but who cares about them anyway? They're dead and they should get over it! Why on earth they want to snoop around and moan about it is beyond me...ghosts, just a bunch of sissies.

Actually, I do recall hearing something about the Stead House and the Smith house being haunted. Something about Capt. Smith's study being filled with the smell of cigar smoke at odd hours or something.

Addison Hart
Hello Addison,

Sorry for not replying sooner. The Smith house smell sounds familiar to me; I think I saw something about that on TV once. I have heard that the home of Dr. Washington Dodge was haunted for a number of years, but the trouble has ceased.

I feel the same way you do about ghosts: they should just leave! I've spoke my opinion outloud to the ghost (s) of my home several times...and I never sleep well that night!

I just bought a Oujia board today...I'm off to have some fun!


Hello Brandon,

Dr. Dodge's house's ghostie sounds familiar now that I think of it. Did he not commit suicide? I believe so. Capt. Smith was a great fan of cigars, if I recall his daughter is quoted as saying that it was hard to find him when a wreath of blue cigar smoke didn't swirl around him. Sensible fellow, I love the smell of cigars myself. Hmmm...I wouldn't suggest ever addressing a ghost, it doesn't do well. They get a bit peeved. As for the Ouija, I wouldn't suggest those either. As far as I've heard those sorts of thing increase nasty hauntings quite a bit. The ever-great G.K. Chesterton once remembered toying with a planchett with some friends (the planchett is very similiar to the Ouija) and he says it is not a pleasant expierence, and he would never want anyone to do it, so as much as I respect your opinions on these things, I wouldn't touch one.

God bless,

PS, reminds me of Lucia in London, from Mapp and Lucia, in which poor old Lucia fiddles with the thing with some friends (the weed-gee as Georgie calls it in the book) and from it comes the ghostly words-- Luuuuuuucia is a sssssssnob...
Hmmm. Cigar smoke in Capt. Smith's house? Sounds about right. I imagine that he spent many happy hours at home and that his appearances if any were likely to be relatively benign ones.
I understand his home was torn down and there is an apartment building there now, so it would be interesting to hear whether or not anyone has sensed his presence there.
It's a weird and wonderful universe out there, so I wouldn't discount anything happening.
Well, last I heard (before the poor old house was ripped up), blue cigar smoke filled the study every so often, and Smith's daughter attributed it to him, as he was rarely seen without a cigar clenched between his jowls. What a guy!
If it's the Winn Road, Southampton house, it was badly damaged in the Second World War and had to be demolished. Yes, there is a small block of flats there now.
As an aside,a friend of my daughter's boyfriend now lives in Smith's old Liverpool home which is divided into flats.