Frederick William Edge


I'm researching the crew member Frederick William Edge, as he may be a relation to me.
Could anyone tell me where I could find more information on him?
Thank you,
Evening Bejamin.

Welcome to the board and I hope your stay will be a happy one.

I am going to have to need a few days to do all the double-checking as there's such a lot dealing with the Relief Fund. I can vaguely remember there was some small amount of details dealing with the family concerned. From memory although don't quote me as I am not one hundred per cent sure myself, but I recall there was a brief mention about of one of the children.

When I've done all the honours I'll report back with any news which might help your enquiry with this family.

He was married to Catherine Fanny Youtman on 3 Nov 1896 in Southampton. Three children:Frderick William, Richard Charles,Catherine Doris. His mother's name was Jane.
A slight correction David. The true name of youngest daughter is Kathleen Doris, and not Catherine as the Mansion House Committee confirms with their report.

I notice yesterdays post above at 9.22 pm, way pass my bedtime as I have to get up at 4 o'clock most mornings. I regret to say Bejamin that I don't have any other information to match like Brian Ticehurst submitted some years ago. I basically have the same material as he does.
Hello David

I'm sure your right. This is probably just a shortened version the family used or a nickname i.e. Cath or Kate. It's not an uncommon problem for researchers. Census enumerators had to rely on what they were told by and large.