Walter Bishop

Can anyone give me info on Walter Bishop other than the basic"he died".
My gran is now 96 years old--recently she imparted to my dad that one of our family was a crew member on board titanic-why she should do do if it were not true i dunno.I really need his offsprings names grandkids would be great
Allen - Welcome
Here is some additional information that I have just added to Mr. Bishop's Biography:

(Death Notice - Southern Daily Echo 30th April 1912, and Hampshire Independent 4th May 1912)
Bishop, Walter Alexander
Under Castleman, Edward
Bishop, Walter Alexander, Aged 34, Devoted Husband of Martha Bishop, of 16 High Street. Also of my Only Brother, Edward Castleman.
Aged 34, devoted Husband of Martha Bishop, of 16 High Street, Itchen. also of my Only Brother, Edward Castleman.
(Wife Martha, brother Edward Castleman).
(From The Titanic Relief Fund booklet March 1913).
C 335. Bishop, Martha, Widow. Bishop, Winifred Elizabeth, Child. Bishop, Walter James, child. Bishop, Edward Percy, child. Bishop, Maria. child. All class B dependants.
(Extract from the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book, number 2, Southampton Area,)
19th June 1914
Case number C335. That a grant of £5 0s 0d be made to Mrs. Bishop (partially dependent mother) for a Sewing machine.
(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 3, Southampton Area)
Date 27th June 1923.
The Committee authorises the continuance of Allowance of 3/- per week until 30th June 1924.

I hope it helps?
Cheers Brian
Thanks Brian--it's a good start.I'd like to quiz my gran more but she's in broadstairs /kent an i'm up in scotland .Also she is as deaf as a post ho hum.My grandfather bishop was named peter he had 2 brothers.One of them was in the merchant marine but this is not the man i am asking about in here unfortunately.Possibly my grandfathers uncle or that side of my family.There is a "story" of one family member running away to sea,marrying an irish girl etc and leaving the family home so that it went into receivership when the owner died--allegedly the maid burn the deeds.Ahh the joys of family history.The place was called blythe hall--it's possible that this is the steward Walter Bishop.I will really have to chat to my gran a bit more.
Thanks Brian--it's a good start.I'd like to quiz my gran more but she's in broadstairs /kent an i'm up in scotland .Also she is as deaf as a post ho hum.My grandfather bishop was named peter he had 2 brothers.One of them was in the merchant marine but this is not the man i am asking about in here unfortunately.Possibly my grandfathers uncle or that side of my family.There is a "story" of one family member running away to sea,marrying an irish girl etc and leaving the family home so that it went into receivership when the owner died--allegedly the maid burn the deeds.Ahh the joys of family history.The place was called blythe hall--it's possible that this is the steward Walter Bishop.I will really have to chat to my gran a bit more.
My Grandfather (Alexander Bishop) was Walter's brother. I have been doing my family history and so far have not come across a Peter Bishop or Blythe Hall. Will keep researching and see what I can find, but possibly not the same family at all. Regards Sue Joy