STONE Edward Thomas bedroom steward

On the Biography page for Edward Thomas Stone there is a photograph of the gravestone marking his grave at Fairview. I have noticed that the inscription is incorrect in that is shows 'E J Stone'. E J Stone was also a bedroom steward whose body was recovered (#41) but he was buried at sea.
I have looked closely at the body descriptions of E T Stone (#243) and E J Stone (#41) and believe that it was indeed the body of E T Stone interred at Fairview but that the inscription is incorrect.
I will be pleased to hear from any message board reader on this apparent mix-up.
Hello Steve,

Happy New Year to you! Upon review of the
Effects lists concerning the remains of the
Titanic victims in Halifax, I have noticed
something that I never realized before. The
description of Body 41 reads...

"....keys "Service ford E Deck, 1st stateroom
1 to 40, bill made out to J Stone" His address
is written in in the Coroner's hand notations
as 105 St Andrews Rd, Soton.

Thus the gentleman is listed as "J. Stone"
on the recovery list, not E J Stone. That
mistake is listed in another persons' hand
writing. I believe the writing belongs to
an early researcher who made the copies
available to several passenger researchers
in the late 80's.

Body #243 is similarly dressed, but
carried keys marked "2nd Stateroom" and
sported a tattoo of the American flag.
His pants were marked "Stone" which, I believe"
led to his identification, but he is not
conclusively named as such in the lists.
His identity is left blank.

After looking at the sign-on material, I
believe that the FC Steward was Edmund Stone
and that the bill in his pocket was for his
uncle Joseph Medway Stone who lived in the
home with Ed and his family. And Edward
Thomas Stone was number 243 and therefore
is marked correctly on the grave in Halifax
as the 2nd Class Steward.

Best Regards,

Brian M
Thanks for this. So it seems we agree that Edmund Stone was body #41 and buried at sea (and perhaps he was only E Stone, the J Stone being his uncle) and Edward Thomas Stone was body #243 and buried at Fairview.
BUT the gravestone inscription at Fairview shows 'E J Stone' #243 whereas it should be 'E T Stone' #243 do you agree?
I have made some good leaps forward with the parentage of Edward Thomas Stone since my original message posting (mainly courtesy of Ian Hough) so am almost ready to upload the family info to his biography page.
Although I have now found the parents of Edward Thomas Stone I still would like to find out where he was born and lived in Cornwall.
Does anyone have easy access to the GRO birth indexes for the period 1882-1884 to see if there is an E T Stone listed with a Cornish Register Office name?
Here's hoping!
A distant relative advises
> I wonder if you (or anyone else over there) has any information on a
relative who served on the Titanic. There has been a long debated question
on this subject ever since I can remember. My father (Bernard) had an
official announcement of the memorial service that had been sent to the
relatives of those who were lost on the Titanic. He said that it had
belonged to his father (George Edmund) and that either one of his brothers
or one of his uncles had served on the Titanic.
The surname is Smith and this branch settled in Michigan ca 1910 from Northfleet/Gravesend Kent.Grateful for any help in finding the victims identity
Peter Adams
Edward Thomas Stone's mother, Harriet Matilda Mantell, was sister of my grandmother, Mary Jane Mantell. My father was his first cousin.
Per his birth certificate Edward Thomas(Ted) was born 18 July 1882 at 3 Handford Place, Southampton.
His father was Edward George Brown Stone whilst you have his names as Edward George Robert.
In additon to his sister Hester, other siblings were Albert H. born c1885 & Edith born c 1894.
You have his parents both died 1954 yet my grandmother had a "birthday book" in which she recorded Edward George's burial as 5 Sept 1924.
In 1901 the Stone family lived at no. 7 Lodge Road Southampton, next door to Harriet's parents, George & Edith Mantell & family.