I am a distance relation to Boysie (on fathers side) I have a picture taken when we believe he was sixteen + his birth certificate. Your details showing him as 19 is incorrect he was actually 17 and five months when he joined the crew of the Titanic. I will be sending a copy of the certificate and his photograph to add. Boysies brother in law, Wally Spender turned down a position on theTitanic and sailed on the sister ship 'Olympic'saying to Boysie he would meet him in New York getting work on another ship returning home. There are two memorials to Boysie one is a brass plaque inside the chrnc at Eling, Totten Southampton and another at the C of E Church Millbrook Road Redbridge end (by the fly over)
Dear Mrs Chandler - below is my printout on Mr. Russell - you will see the difference in his age fromt the newspaper report (16) to the Memorial (17 1/2).
I look forward to seeing a certificate so that we can put the record straight.
Best regards - Brian
Russell, Boysie Richard. Lived at the Anchor Hotel, Test Lane, Redbridge, Southampton. Occuaption - Saloon Steward. 16 years old.
(Death Notice Southern Daily Echo 29th April 1912 and Hampshire Independent 4th May 1912).
Russell, Boysie Richard.
Dearly beloved Eldest Son of Richard and Emily Russell, of the Anchor Hotel, Redbridge, In His 16th Year.
Named on Millbrook Church Memorial.
Named on St Mary's Church, Eling, nr. Southampton Memorial. The memorial is situated just inside the church on the right.
''To The Memory of''
Frederick Walter Godwin, 34 years old.
William Thomas Fox aged 27 years.
Tom Warwick, aged 25 years.
All of this Parish.
Boysie Richard Russell of Redbridge aged 17½ years.
William Edward Hine of Lyndhurst aged 36 years.
Who were lost on the SS Titanic after collision with an Ice Berg in the North Atlantic at midnight April 14th, 1912. When more than 1500 passengers and crew were drowned.
''When Thou Passest Through The Waters, I will Be With Thee''.