Hello Norma
I was very pleased to see your post to this site. I have researched the family of George Smith not because of any relationship on my part but as a result of contact with a cousin of yours.
I have been researching the later generations of the Mason's, the famous pottery family of Fenton, Stoke on Trent. Mark Mason, the grandson of Charles James Mason who patented the famous Ironstone China married your great Aunt, Elizabeth Smith. (Cousin of E.J.) In this connection I was in touch with Elizabeth's great granddaughter, a third cousin of yours, whose illustrious ancestors are the Mason's and also the famous Spode family.
It was mentioned in passing that your cousins grandchildren were more interested in their connection to Captain Smith than their famous Potter ancestors.
I was intrigued by this and spent the next six months researching their connection to Capt. Smith which I was delighted to be able to confirm.
I have a photograph of your great grandmother, Sarah with her elder sister Elizabeth, which I think would be about 1910 - the hats give a clue.
Since I am a researcher and not a relation, I am not really able to discuss your cousins family without their approval, so I will contact you privately through this site.
Regards Ernie