George Kemish

Paul Lee

What happened to fireman George Kemish after the disaster? Did he stay in Soton and have any family?

When I was at Soton Uni from 1990-93, I knew a lad called Mark Kemish. He lived locally, in Totton. His father, Cyril, was a haulage truck driver. I have often wondered if he was related to George.

Funnily enough, Mark knew "Old Mr.Dean" (Bert Dean) - they went to the same New Forest social club, but sadly Bert died before I could arrange a meeting.

Best to you all

Hey Paul,
Scooch Kemish lived out his life in the Southampton area and still has children alive there (he had a total of six children--but Cyril wasn't one of them). His children remember him as being "necessarily defensive" most of his life and he continued to sail the seven seas and was quite a traveled man. He mellowed out in old age after being widowed and I have a really nice photo of him holding his infant granddaughter on the wall of my "Titanic room." He never, ever spoke about Titanic and the children only heard about his experience on the ship when their mother would whisper about it to them.

Hope this gives you a little of what you were looking for.

Thanks Phil,
I reckon Cyril was born c.1940 (?), so its possible that George may be Cyril's grandfather...?

It just occurred to me as I have never met any other Kemish's anywhere, ever!

Best wishes


Hi Phil!

Thanks for some fascinating information.

Interestingly, I did come across some record of George Kemish speaking with Walter Lord about his experiences on the Titanic, and during the sinking, sometime in 1955 (most probably June). While I initially thought it was just a letter, I am told he also spoke to Mr. Lord as well. It's not my own area of research, though. Most likely he only spoke about it this once.

Best regards,

Yes, he did talk to Walter Lord but never, ever talked about it within his family (that according to one of his surviving children). I've tried to talk them into coming to one of our Wickham dinners at BTS but so far they've been reluctant as the son has a hearing problem and fears he wouldn't understand all the conversations going on at once. He's a really nice fellow and obviously well educated. When I contact family members for information I always ask them to tell me things that make the individual a "real person" and not just names and dates associated with a disaster. Mr. Kemish probably did the best job of doing that of anyone I've contacted.

PS to Paul: I don't think Cyril is a grandson either as the 1940 date wouldn't seem to work (unless Scooch's oldest son had Cyril as a teenager). Maybe cousins??
Dear Phillip,

Sorry to post this message here as it has nothing to do with the topic, but I have had problems contacting you by email and this is the only way I remembered: have you received my last email on the documentation issue?

Best regards

Hi Filipe--always glad to hear from you and was going to send you a message today anyway to tell you that you might just get mentioned on American TV in the near future! Will send you a separate email privately.

Hi Philip,
Forgot to thank you for your information. The only other information that I have about Cyril is that he lives in Totton.


Dear Phillip,

Havent received any email from you yet and I wonder if there is any problems with our addresses.

Anyway, I have those documents that I promised to send you (on the Portuguese passengers) packed and ready to go in my desk and I am just waiting that you confirm the address you once gave me.

Your friend, Filipe
Hello Virginia,

According to Phillip's profile, he has not accessed the board since April 21. But, you can send him an e-mail through his profile, by clicking on his name.
George Kemish was my Great Grandfather (father of my living Grandad). I know some information about him but not sure about posting it on this forum. Would be happy to share knowledge with someone through email.