James Keegan Leading Fireman

Mr James Keegan Leading Fireman did not die on the Titanic as is officially recorded in the United States and elsewhere, you see he was my great grandfather and he missed the maiden voyage for some unknown reason but was still on the crew list, in the merseyside maritime museum Liverpool these facts are recorded and there is a photo of him and his family and friends taken some time after the disaster.Thanks to him missing the maiden voyage I am here today.I have a photo of him and I will post it soon.
Bernard -- Forgive me for saying so but I cannot see how James Keegan survived when he's listed as lost. Not only that, his widow (Alice Maud) in 1915 was prosecuted by the Southampton Education Board for using excessive cruelty upon the children. A complicated case at the time as this involved two other organizations:- Southampton Police Station who in turn reported her behaviour to the N.S.P.C.C.

In the end she was allowed to keep her children under certain conditions with the watchful eye of the N.S.P.C.C. In the late 1920's one of the children have reached the tender age, and has agreed to serve an apprenticeship paid for by the Relief Fund.

I hope the above solves your answer.

Dear Andrew
I am totally puzzled , the first thing I am thinking is that he had another woman in southampton unknown to anyone, secondly, because he missed the maiden voyage maybe someone assumed his name. Other than that all I can say is that you contact the archive of the merseyside maritime museum via the web for confirmation because as far as they and I are aware he was a leading fireman on the titanic who missed the maiden voyage.
attached is an image of him and family around 1919.
Hello Bernard,

We are talking of the same James Keegan married to Alice Maud with their four children Joseph John, Lawrence, Sydney Francis and Alice Ellen?

Alice Maud (Mother) and all four children as well as the Mother to Alice Maud (Mrs. Durnil) were placed under Relief Fund number C.156. I have a large selection of details covering the family from the Minute Book's that are held at Southampton Archives.

There's nothing to be puzzled about. James Keegan's family were placed under the Southampton Committee as the family had moved down from Liverpool to Southampton. In what year this happened I haven't managed to established yet as there's a whole load of the Kelly's Directories at Southampton Library Archives are missing. They only have a small number to browse as a large number of the yearly editions are missing.

Alice Maud Keegan was living in Southampton at the time of her prosecution by the Southampton Education Board.

Otherwise I am open to anymore suggestion.

There is a section of the titanic exhibition at the merseyside maritime museum that is devoted to the story of James Keegan, my great grandfather.It was created because of the story that he was listed as one of the leading firemen lost with the Titanic,and subsequently this fact was proved wrong and they have some memorabilia to do with the memorial functions the white star line gave in honour of the dead with his name printed , imagine their surprise when he turned up alive and well .I don't know about this alice maud or the southampton connection, maybe he led a double life . Quite a few men did back then .
I am enjoying the mystery of it all though.
The picture I have of him is too big but I will try to re size it to post here.
I don't know Bernard, the mystery continues to deepen even more. How strange that none of the pages with the Southampton Titanic Relief Fund Committee ever mentioned of him leading a double life.

Amongst your collection do you have the necessary credentials like a marriage certificate, births for the children including another handy certificate, the actual date and year of his death?

Surely there must have been an obituary written as well?

I am still looking for the confirmation to my question. We are talking of the same James Keegan who was married to Alice Maud formerly Durnil or Durrnil?

I eagerly await for your response.

Mr. Reynolds I am curios of your information, my Grandfather was Lawrence Keegan and it was known in our family that his father died on the Titanic
working as a lead fireman.
My grandfather came to America and lived in Brooklyn N.Y. he worked as a shipsmate, he had two daughters and I am one of eight grandchildren he had. He died in 1972, if you have any information please provide it. Thanks
ok it's been a while because I have been trying to get some more information but it hasn't turned up anything unfortunately.
A very kind lady at Southampton Library archives came up with the same stuff as Andrew Williams.
The rest of the family are a bit reluctant to go digging any deeper in case this throws any light on the double life theory, imagine if he did have two families how very interesting that would be for us and a Mr Chris Talbot.
Maybe we should get a DNA test Mr Talbot and see what happens.
Again I will mention the 'evidence' that is in the archive of the MERSEYSIDE MARITIME MUSEUM.
I will contact Liverpool family records and get the facts about his life and death in Liverpool until then I hope we can all keep an open mind about this story until we have conclusive facts.
Bernard Reynolds
Mr. Reynolds,
I've spoken to my relatives in the UK and we have come up with nothing to give your story any credit. By the way what part of the world are you located in? I'm in New York.
Thanks, Chris Talbot
Greetings Chris -- and a big thank you for supplying more of your family tree.

To be perfectly honest with you Chris, I have had many suspensions over Mr. Reynolds claim that James Keegan was married not once, but twice. How come I've gone down the same road and doubled-checked all the records at Southampton myself, and subsequently there's no supply of any obituary, no claim of any sort of a 'Probate report' let alone a mention in any of the Minute Book's of the Relief Fund at Southampton to confirm that Mr Keegan was married twice. Absolutely nothing! Come on Mr. Reynolds where's the evidence to support your claim?? Come on?? Where is it??

On a more positive note, I can confirm Chris that Lawrence Keegan was on the Relief Fund. If you would like to contact me privately I am more than willing to share and exchange the details with you and you alone.
Mr James Keegan Leading Fireman did not die on the Titanic as is officially recorded in the United States and elsewhere, you see he was my great grandfather and he missed the maiden voyage for some unknown reason but was still on the crew list, in the merseyside maritime museum Liverpool these facts are recorded and there is a photo of him and his family and friends taken some time after the disaster.Thanks to him missing the maiden voyage I am here today.I have a photo of him and I will post it soon.
Hi Bernard, great correction. I am a Mac Aodhagain (Egan / Keegan) researcher. Do you know from where James came from in Ireland and if any of his descendants have done either YDNA or Autosomal DNA testing. Col Keegan, Australia.