Charles Burgess

Hi, I was just wondering, Did Reginald Charles Burgess continue working in the Victualling Department on the Olympic after the Titanic sank?

Regards Nigel
ET appears to have accepted what Burgess told The Democratic Banner - that he was on a night shift with 4 other assistant bakers when the Titanic collided with the iceberg. In that interview, which was about a month after the disaster, Burgess appears to have given details of what he was actually baking at the time - scones, corn bread etc. Therefore, it is likely that is the correct information.

As for the account in ANTR, Burgess contacted Walter Lord over 40 years later and so it is likely that memories were dimmed with time. As you say, in the book it says that when Steward Dodd burst into the dormitory of the victualling crew to warn them of the danger, the door banged against Burgess' bed waking him up. But in the endnotes of On A Sea Of Glass, there is a point which raises doubts about what Burgess actually recalled in the 1950s; apparently, he told Lord that the First Class Dining Saloon was laid with a deep plush carpet whereas in actuality it had lino tiles. It was the adjoining reception room that had the carpet.