Is this a quartermaster

Hello everyone,
In this photo of the crew in NY, it looks to me like there is a quartermaster sitting in the second row, about 3 or 4 from the left. Can anyone identify him? He reminds me of Quartermaster Perkis...?

Quite an interesting mixture. However, look carefully at the relief and shock on the faces of the others though.

I wonder what was rushing through the minds of those who were lucky enough to have survived that dreadful night. We will never know the full truth.
No, we won't. I guess the screams of those in the water would be the hardest thing to live with afterwards. Esp sitting in a boat yet powerless to help them. I really can't imagine what that would be like.
Thanks for the comments, everyone.

I had thought that this was a pretty well-known photo, but perhaps not. I know that I've seen the newspaper's reproductions of it, but never the original photo before.

I was also humbled when I looked across the expressions among the group.
No problems Megan just adding my five eggs in as usual.

Yes, I have seen this photo before but never really gave it a second glance until the weekend, when their facial expressions suddenly got my attention.