Albert Hunt

I have been trying to trace my family. My Great Grandfather was a trimmer on the Titanic he survived it in 1912 and went on to work on the Oceanic. His brother Mr T Hunt was also on there, please help i've come to a very dead end. This means alot to me, it means I can show my grandad Fredrick his family history before its too late
Dear Kelly,

Thomas Hunt, was indeed a brother of
Albert Hunt, the surviving trimmer. They
also had an in-law aboard serving in the
engine room.
For a more detailed answer to your
question, please e-mail me privately
as have met many members of this family.

Best Regards,

Kelly, my mother's maiden name is Hunt, and we've traced our family tree back eleven generations. I bet if we scratched each other we'd be kin. Write me privately, okay?

Kyrila Scully
My name is Kelly I am researching my family history. I believe all the crew member that survived are heroes butin reality it was proberly each man to his own. I belive that th titanic should not be brought up like the Mary Rose as my Great Uncle is at rest at the bottom of that ocea and that is where he should stay. Does anyone know anything about Albert Hunt born 1890 he lived 1 french street southampton?
Hello Kelly Marie,

I hope you are very well, it is a great pleasure to write to you, as it is to read your very interesting family history connection with the Titanic. My name is Margot, I am writing on behalf of my fiancee Sean who is unfortunately ill at the moment, we would love to help you in any way we can, if you could send details to me at the email address below and we will do everything we can to assist you.

our email address is :-


I look forward very much on hearing from you, all our very best and sincere wishes and kindest regards,

Margot & Sean.
Hello everyone its been a while. Firstly I would just like to thank everyone for there help. I have found lots of information out since joining this message board. I now have a death certificate of Albert Hunt although they couldnt find a birth cert. Also I still have to find George and Sylvanus Hunt (the other 2 brothers) but I dont think they were on the great ship.
I am posting some questions on the life on board page
I would be grateful if you could spare the time to just take a look and maybe you could be of help.
Hi Albert Hunt was my Great Grandad. I've been researching my family for over a year now. He was born Alfred Sylvanus Hunt Jan-mar 1889 in Southampton. He married A. Hebb's sister Elizabeth in 1909 and they had 12 children. He died 23/3/1949 and was buried in Hollybrook Cemetry 28/3/1949 Grave B12/7. Both Hebb and Hunt were Trimmers. Albert's brother was Tom Hunt.
Sorry but Albert Hunt was born 25/2/1889 at 6 Castle Lane , Southampton. He called himself Albert because he did not like his real name which was Sylvanus Hunt. Forget about the Alfred bit in the above message. Tom Hunt was a fireman who drowned. He was born 29/5 1884 at 6 Lansdown Place Southampton. A Hebb was called William Albert Born 1889 died 16/6/1932. He turned to drink after the disaster and died of liver cirrhosis as a result. He was only 42!
Paul, it is likely that Albert Hunt was the trimmer who said that he jumped into the starboard collapsible boat. This was an interview in the contemporary press where two trimmers gave a joint interview, one of whom said he swum to an overturned boat, the other said that he jumped into boat C as it was being lowered away. The two trimmers belonged to the 12-4 shift and were just preparing to go to work when disaster struck.
