Braund Brothers

Can anyone help me?
I believe that i am related to Owen and Lewis Braund (third class passengers.)
My mum's family are Braunds, they come from the same place as Owen and Lewis and there has been a rumour for years that members of our family went down with the ship.
However, i know very little about them.
Has anyone got any information that could help?

Dawn, you'd probably have to pursue your geneaology through public records. Get your family to give you as many names and dates as far back as they can remember, then search census, birth, marriage, and real estate records to see if you can dig back even further. Try places like which now includes records from the UK. Learn all you can about tracing your roots. 1912 isn't that far back as geneaology searches go. Good luck, and let us know what you find out. My own family thinks we lost a relative on the Titanic, but I was able to put that rumor to rest. The "M. Rowe" in our family is a female, while the "M. Rowe" on Titanic was a male.

Kyrila, Thanks for the advice. I've just found some info on the Braund Society and have emailed them. It's looking good. It seems all the Braunds in the Devon area are related somehow.
Fingers crossed i'll have an answer soon.

Kyrila, The Braund Society got back to me and i now know that i'm not related to the Braund Brothers (same family, different line). They think we were probably related at one time but the records have gone. Still, they traced my family back to 1670 so i don't really mind.
Thanks for the interest.