I am looking for Jerrie Howard, a contributor to a bio on the third class survivor Mrs. Jennie Hansen.
Howard holds the copyright to a wedding picture of Mrs. Hansen on ET and I would like to ask permission to use the picture in a book I am writing about the Danes and Titanic.
I will get back to the subject of Danes and Titanic later on this message board.
I think it was in 1998 I got the Racine Journal Times to write an article about Jennie and Claus Peter Hansen. I got into contact with mentioned Jerrie Howard. I got the wedding picture from her.
I have her adress in Racine, I will look for it and let you have it later. After the newspaper article I got into contact with a relative of Claus Peter Hansen: Victor Johnson [ADDRESS DELETED] U.S.A. I am sure Jerrie will permit the picture to be used.
They both will no doubt be interested in the book.
My husband found this in an old box that had pages from a photo album, not in the album.pretty awesome.anyone know of anymore like this.the only other one I can find just like it is from Melvinia Dean, the last survivor.