Joseph Foley

I'm trying to find some information on Joseph Foley, a 3rd class passenger who embarked at Queenstown and died in the disaster. I've seen his name on many Titanic passenger lists, yet I've also seen his name ommitted from other Titanic passenger lists (such as in the relics exhibit I saw in Atlantic City in 1999). Is there an OFFICIAL passenger list that everyone agrees on?

When I was a child my grandmother told me how her mother tried to convince her to travel to New York on the Titanic so she could travel with a local boy, Joe Foley. Her father told her it was bad luck to change her plans, so she stayed with her original ticket on the Baltic. I've confirmed that she arrived in New York on the Baltic on April 6, 1912, but I wonder if the rest of the story was true? If Joe Foley was a Titanic victim does anyone know what part of Ireland he was from? Any help is greatly appreciated. I can be reached at [email protected]
Mr. (Miss?) Caulfield,
Your best source of information on Irish Titanic victim Joseph Foley, is his biography in the book "The Irish Aboard Titanic" by Senan Molony. The second printing of the book is available and there is a great photo of Joseph as well.

He was 19 at the time of the Titanic disaster having been born in Lisnafulla, County Limerick, Ireland to parents David and Mary Julia (Hickey) Foley on February 5, 1893.

Thank you Phillip for your timely reply.

Maybe my grandmother's story is correct, as she was also from County Limerick (Kilmeedy) and born in 1893! Do you know where I might buy "The Irish Aboard Titanic"? I live in the U.S. and the book is not available on

Thanks again.'s ms. caulfield