Rosa Abbott - Clear Cameron updates

I believe that Phil Gowan and Brian Meister have 'found' Rosa Abbott, but are waiting to release this information with their book
That's for Phil and Brian to comment on, however.

Clear Cameron was indeed found - Dinah Dowding, wife of Ted Dowding (Clear's nephew) made the breakthrough shortly after Ted's death last year. The findings were published in the BTS's 'Atlantic Daily Bulletin'. Phil G has also done work on following this up Stateside.
Yes Inger is correct that we've tracked Rosa down and the biography for her and her sons has long been completed but won't be made public until our book is released. I still can't tell you what date that will be but my upcoming retirement will speed it up considerably.

I had a letter from Chris S. Cameron in U.S.A. in May 2001. He told me that he had been in contact with now deceased Ted Dowding.
He also told me: "Clear Cameron was a distant cousin of my paternal grandfather and I believe he met her when she was living in the Philadelphia area about 1913. That is the last we know of her. Ted and his wife Dinah had published a collection of Clears letters to his mother written after the disaster. Clear was living then in Philadephia as a ladies maid to a wealthy family there. Some of Clears letters weere sold at a auction in 2000. Chris told me that he would try to find the name of the buyer, but I have not heard anythng yet.
Arne, the buyer of most of the letters was Denis Cochrane, was was acting for 'Titanic, Ship of Dreams' of Florida. Ted expressed concerns to me at the time because the organisation also purchased a letter by Nellie Walcroft that he feared would be (mis)used to suggest Harold Lowe shot passengers - a contradiction of Walcroft and Cameron's other statements. Regretably, this came to pass, to Ted's disgust.

Phil G. also has at least one Clear Cameron related items, so there's a good home for them.
Thought I'd add this into the mix. Recently, while perusing the online 1901 U K Census, looking up other Titanic passengers, I checked into Nellie Walcroft (actually Ellen Wallcroft) and Clear Cameron. According to this report, in 1901 Clear was 24 years old, a servant working for Agnes Nisbel in S. Ascot.

And, since I mentioned Nellie, at this time, she was 24 years old, a general domestic servant and working for Elijah Paxman, his wife, Emily, and their two sons.

Hope this is of some help.

Best regards,
Hi Mike,

In answer to your question, not according to what I found. Needless to say, I was trying to locate the Beesleys and, while I found the family (those still at home), old Henry wasn't one of them! And Lawrence was listed in another city (at what appears to be a boys school) as a 'visitor'. Actually, that's what THEY say but for the life of me that word doesn't look like 'visitor' to me!

It may cost you a few pounds but it's certainly worth it.

Best regards, O M
Cook is as correct as ever - the 1901 Census has full listings, and is highly recommended now that it's finally up and running. One word of warning - you might need to make use of wildcards in your searches, as I've noticed any number of typos in the transcriptions.