Did Ben Guggenheim's wife know about his mistress?

Hello All,

I was wondering if Ben Guggenheim's wife knew about his mistress being w/ him on the ship? Did she ever confront the mistress? Sorry if this topic have been discussed b4.

Adam Odle
I wouldn't be surprised if she did, and one of the passenger people may have something to offer on this. The thing to keep in mind is the time we're talking about. Even if Mrs. Guggenheim's wife knew, it may well have been a lot easier to pretend that she didn't. Divorce, even for the best of reasons, carried quite a stigma then and there would have been the loss of social standing to consider as well.
It would be GREAT to know what Mrs. Guggenheim would have said to the mistress lol. I agree about the social standing to consider, if Mrs. Guggenheim ripped into the mistress and it got around, papers, etc... her social standing would have suffered.

Adam Odle
I don't think so. Because well lets just say from my own family's experience. There was a word exchanged between the wife and mistress and my family is high in society in Kansas this took place in 1921. No one looked down on the certain female member of my family but looked down on the mistress and my family members husband. So I don't think no one would have looked down on on Mrs. G. for confronting her husbands mistress it would have been expected. I know I would not have looked down on her for it. Even if she would have smacked Ms. Aubart
in the face. I don't mean to get so involved but I feel for Mrs. G. Thanks and have a good evening. P.S. Sorry if this sounded like a snot I did not mean to sound like this I was just speaking my mind.