Hélène Baxter

Was Mrs. Baxter née Delaudenière or Delanaudière? Her biography on ET is kinda confusing. It says she was born Delaudenière, but at the bottom of the page it says that her name is associated with the Lanaudière county. Any help appreciated.

Charles, in the index to his book: Titanic The Canadian Story, your fellow Canadian, Alan Hustak, lists Baxter, Hélène de Lanaudiére Chaput.

Just to confuse matters Michael Findlay had Helene DeLaudeniere Chaput; which has been Revised as: Helene De Lanaudiere-Chaput.

Hope this helps,
Just to throw this into the mix....

Mrs. Baxter's name, as inscribed on the family marker at the cemetery in Montreal, is

H. De Lanaudiére-Chaput Baxter

Eric Sauder
Hey, I couldn't expect better answers. (especially George's)
Thank you.

BTW, the Lanaudière county in Quebec is charming. I wish everyone to visit it one day. Their maple syrup is delicious...
Hey, I revives this thread because I've found confirmation on the claim that the fabled French Canadian heroine Madeline de Verchères is Hélène Baxter ancestor. In fact it's true, she is five generations before Hélène. Madeline de Verchères was born Marie-Madeleine Jarret. On ET, the dates are good.

If you want to search on the genealogy of other passengers born in Québec, there's this genealogy website.
Généalogie du Québec et d'Amérique française

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