Mark Baber
I came across this article while researching something else, and thought it might be of interest. It's from The New York Times, 3 March 1912.
Sails Away in it for Rome, the Envy of the Ship
Major Archibald Butt, military aid (sic) to
the President of the United States, sailed
yesterday for Europe on the North Ger-
man Lloyd liner Berlin for a rest in a
suit of clothes that won the admiration
of every passenger on the deck of the
liner, including a deaf and dumb Greek
sponge merchant from Patras. His cam-
bric handkerchief was tucked up his left
sleeve like Kipling's pukka Indian sol-
dier man.
He wore a bright copper-colored Nor-
folk jacket fastened by big ball-shaped
buttons of red porcelain, a lavender tie,
tall baywing collar, trousers of the same
material as the coat, a derby hat with
broad, flat brim, and patent leather shoes
with white tops. The Major had a bunch
of lillies in his buttonhole, and appeared
to be delighted at the prospect of going
away. He said that he had lost twenty
pounds in weight following the President
in his strenuous tour through the West.
When asked if it were true that he was
engaged to Miss Dorothy Williams of
Washington, Major Butt replied sadly:
"I wish it were. This bachelorhood is
a miserable existence. I have distress
signals flying at the fore, and will refuse
no reasonable offer to enter the matri-
monial field. I'll do the best I can, and
if this leap year gets away before I get
a wife I shall feel very much discour-
The gallant Major did not wear an over-
coat, and he winced once or twice when
he was posing the windswept deck for
the photographers.
Major Butt is bound for Rome, ac-
companied by his friend Francis D. Mil-
let, the painter, who is to take charge
of the American Academy of Arts in
the Eternal City. Mr. Millet said that
the present buildings are to be recon-
structed at a cost of $1,500,000, and new
properties are to be taken over by the
Academy. The central building of the
Academy is the Villa Aurelia.
Sails Away in it for Rome, the Envy of the Ship
Major Archibald Butt, military aid (sic) to
the President of the United States, sailed
yesterday for Europe on the North Ger-
man Lloyd liner Berlin for a rest in a
suit of clothes that won the admiration
of every passenger on the deck of the
liner, including a deaf and dumb Greek
sponge merchant from Patras. His cam-
bric handkerchief was tucked up his left
sleeve like Kipling's pukka Indian sol-
dier man.
He wore a bright copper-colored Nor-
folk jacket fastened by big ball-shaped
buttons of red porcelain, a lavender tie,
tall baywing collar, trousers of the same
material as the coat, a derby hat with
broad, flat brim, and patent leather shoes
with white tops. The Major had a bunch
of lillies in his buttonhole, and appeared
to be delighted at the prospect of going
away. He said that he had lost twenty
pounds in weight following the President
in his strenuous tour through the West.
When asked if it were true that he was
engaged to Miss Dorothy Williams of
Washington, Major Butt replied sadly:
"I wish it were. This bachelorhood is
a miserable existence. I have distress
signals flying at the fore, and will refuse
no reasonable offer to enter the matri-
monial field. I'll do the best I can, and
if this leap year gets away before I get
a wife I shall feel very much discour-
The gallant Major did not wear an over-
coat, and he winced once or twice when
he was posing the windswept deck for
the photographers.
Major Butt is bound for Rome, ac-
companied by his friend Francis D. Mil-
let, the painter, who is to take charge
of the American Academy of Arts in
the Eternal City. Mr. Millet said that
the present buildings are to be recon-
structed at a cost of $1,500,000, and new
properties are to be taken over by the
Academy. The central building of the
Academy is the Villa Aurelia.