The Drews

Today is the 33rd anniversary of Lulu Drew's death so I was especially interested in an email received from a man who is a Drew and has done extensive Drew geneaology. It seems like William and his brother James Drew are related to John Drew, the famous Victorian actor- who was one of Lusitania's Charles Frohman's leading men and of course we all know the Barymore connection! Aunt Lu passed away at the Watch Hill Nursing Home near Westerly. Marshall called her Mother as she was the only one he knew. Titanic victim, Uncle Jim, and Lu had an infant son, Harold, who died. Marshall came as heavensent comfort to the couple after Marshall's mother died when he was three weeks old. Marshall's year's mind will be this Friday. He was named for another Marshall who died as an infant (Marshall Brines)relative of his real mother, Elizabeth Brines Drew.


Photos taken today- the baby's stone is so worn away it is hard to read "Harold V. Drew-Infant Son"
Anybody knows what the Drews did during the crossing? The couple's nephew was a small child I believe, and did they spend some time in the Library or in the 2nd class open space? I would be pleased to know how were the events for this family during the sinking night.

Regards, Jíµí£o
Here is Marshall's account, written three months before his death
The family was coming back from a family visit to Cornwall where Marshall stayed with his Grandmother Drew. He recalled the great chimney at her cottage where you could look up the flue in the daytime and see stars, -it was big enough to stand up inside. On sailing day he and Uncle Jim had a tour of the gymnasium, and he had a chance to sit on the mechanical camel. When the Carpathia returned to New York, he recalled sitting on the bottom step of his hotel staircase, listening to the older folks talking about the sinking and not having any drawing paper, he found a scrap and a common pin and picked out in perforations, the silhouette of the ship sinking. He mentioned enjoying his meals very much aboard, and walking around the decks. On the night of the sinking he also remembered he and Uncle Jim tried to get through between the third and fourth funnel to check the lowering on the other side but there was so much clutter it was impassable.

Hard to believe he has been gone 20 years this month. Marshall smoked most of his life, and sadly this took a toll on his heart-a very sad loss at age 82 for so many people who loved him.