Marshall Drew

In reference to Marshall Drew, does anyone have
a signature/autograph by him? If so, could you
email me at [email protected]. I have
an autograph, in a book that says: an autograph of a Titanic survivor, and it is signed underneath, Marshall Drew. I was curious, if he
did indeed , in his lifetime, ever sign any books,
or go to Titanic events. I know he was an artist,
and teacher from Long Island, and once went to
a slide presentation by Robert Ballard. But I
have not seen any information, that he attended
any signings at Titanic events. Anyone have any
information. Thanks, Patty
Patty: Hello I am Mauro of Argentinean and are nephew great-grandchild of Marshall. In this forum there is one lady who has a very good pagina dedicated to my tio. I promise to look for st Web greetings and sorry by my ingles
Patty, you should contact Shelley Dziedzic of this forum as she was acquainted with Marshall Drew. Perhaps she can answer your queries.

Kyrila Scully
Thanks Mauro and Kyrila. I appreciate the
information. For some reason, when searching
for further information about Marshall Drew, on
ET, it kept saying server broken, retry, and
yet, I could go to other places on ET and it worked fine... Again, thanks very much, Patty
Patty- it sounds as if you have a genuine article as Marshall always put "Titanic Survivor" with his autograph. He attended the grand gala of Raise the Titanic at Copely Plaza in Boston and was excited about meeting Jason Robards. He did give out many autographs over his lifetime, and was especially kind and generous when it came to sharing his story with youngsters. He would make a school appearance from time to time, and once came to help with a lecture I gave to the Westerly Yacht Club. A sample of his famous German Fractur calligraphy is on this page link below, and is from a return address envelope, also on this link is a photo of a framed Convergence of the Twain by Hardy which he did for me just before he died. Last Monday was the 19th anniversary of his death. He was a remarkable person, and would have enjoyed meeting you, I know. His friends and past art students held him in highest esteem, and after a few moments, you would have felt as if you had known him all your life. His loss is keenly felt ,still, by all who knew and loved him.
When it was time to select a headstone for River Bend cemetery, the epitaph was easy- and the name was carved in his own calligraphy style, copied from a letter. It is also made of Westerly blue granite-from the famous quarry which was the reason Marshall's father, a Greenport stonecarver, came to Westerly and then met Elizabeth Brines, Marshall's mother who died when Marshall was an infant. Marshall's father would carve the stone for his brother James Vivian Drew, whose body was not recovered from Titanic. This stone is in Ashaway cemetery, not far from where Marshall lived with Aunt Lulu and Uncle Jim. Lu and her second husband, Richard Opie (a housebuilder) are buried also in Ashaway.
Thanks so much for the information and kind words.
I appreciate your telling us , what his character was like. He sounds like someone, I would have liked to known, and I envy you, for your friendship with him, not because of the Titanic connection, but because of the type of man, it sounded like he was. The way you have with words,
would be an inspiration to us, if you ever had
the time, to write a book about your friendship
with Mr. Drew, and from reading your profile,
your own busy life as well. Nice web site, also. Again, thanks so much
for the information, Sincerely, Patty
Thanks Patty! I am glad to say the scan you sent me is the genuine article- that is indeed his autograph which is so distinctive.If all the people who knew Marshall were to write about him it would fill a library shelf in multi-volumes!I may write down some anecdotes one day, I heard from Marshall's daughter not long ago and she is doing just that. I am put in mind of a great quote which goes something like "Never was such wit, intelligence and conversation to be heard at an event since Oscar Wilde dined alone". That would apply to an evening with Marshall! As for my own memoirs (titled "Still Waiting for Lancelot")- I am holding off to see how it all ends!
Shelley, Thanks so much !!! What a thrill, to
have purchased this book and to know, it is indeed his signature !! From what I have read,
what a gentleman he was. In reference to a book, about Marshall, it would be a thrill for me. I love hearing what the older generation has to say about their past and the changes they have seen,
it is positively enthralling for me to hear about
history, as it was being made. I love listening
to people in general, but the older generation ,
has a fascinating and often humorous way, of telling a story. Anyway, if a book of his life
comes out, I would love to know about it. And thank you for taking the time out, to do this
for me. You have made my day !! I am very grateful. What a truly nice person you are.
Saying thanks, does not seem adequate to me.
What a wonderful gem, I received today from you with this news , especially since the book only
cost $35.00 !! I am not bragging, not my style,
just dancing on the had better
watch out though, at my age , I may break a hip !!

Thanks again for your help, Patty