2020 tonight live from Titanic

Sorry to start a new thread, but I wanted the alert to jump out so no one misses it. Partisan Pictures e-mailed me today that there will be a segment on "20/20" tonight (Friday, June 4, 10 p.m. Eastern and Pacific times) live from the wrecksite. I have no idea what will be shown.

I apologise if this has already been mentioned in another thread.

Sorry for late notice... I just checked my mail.

Best to all,

Well, I just caught it. Looks to me like the conclusion jumping is already well underway. Oh...and where did the newsies get the idea that Titanic sank in only 90 minutes?
It didn't sound like too much new information. I've heard that "Jewels from the old Lady" line before. I loved it when the reporter asked what kind of debris was left behind. "just a few memorials" then quickly changed the subject. I thought comparing the Titanic to one of the Great Pyramids was not a good example. First of all, anybody with a travel agent can go see the Pyramids and they will still be here in another hundred years. The last I checked it was not too easy to get down to the Titanic. And she is going to be gone long before the Pyramids. If this whole Expedition was just to document the speed of the ships deterioration in a scientific manner, nobody would even question it. But the talk of tourists, Weddings and Hollywood profiteers does hint of sour grapes.

I'll watch the special on Monday just to see the footage. Isn't it amazing how the Titanic still makes headlines?
What I found entertaining was Dr. Ballard complaining about the carnival like atmosphere...which has some justification IMO...only to see more of the same old carnival like atmosphere being promoted in the 20/20 piece. Typical media glitz...inaccuracies and all.
I caught this as well, but as David said there didn't seem to be any new information.

It seemed to me, that it was just a preview of the show that National Geographic aired tonight.
>>What kind of an idiot decides to get married at a place like that.<<

Apparently, the kind of idiot who's willing to part with close to $100,000 to make it happen. I wonder if this couple is still together?
Aussies! I think this program is to be shown on Channel 9's 60 minutes at 7-30 p.m. on Sunday. Given my high regard for Channel 9, I'm sure it will be a load of old cobblers.