Spanish bride Penasco

I was just re-reading "Titanic Women and Children First" and got to the part about Maria Josefa Penasco and her husband Victor. She was the bride in the lifeboat whom the Countess of Rothes tried to comfort. Anway, in the book they say that her father took her to Halifax to look for Victor's body. His motive was that according to Spanish law, a body had to be present in order for someone to be considered "really dead" and for the widow to get any inheritance. They didn't find Victor, so according to the book, on pp 59-62, they...

"with the consent of Senora Purificacion, money changed hands and a body magically appeared under the name of Penasco in the Fifth folio of the Halifax death certificates, attested to by the Vice Council of Spain in Canada. Senor Victor was officially buried in Fairview Cemetary and Pepita returned to Madrid one of Titanic's many widows."

I've been suspicious about some of the other things which the author assumes and this is one of them. Why would someone admit such a deception years later? Does anyone know more about this? I wonder who they really buried? This is one of the more bizzarre Titanic stories!
Not if Katy side this or if ahra somebody. Tapeworm that to spend 20 years to say that Victor was dead since his body not registrabaa, that was a great problem so that to the single widow tapeworm 23 year Fermina Oliva went the one in charge to testify to supposed Victor rocky crag, thus to declar it officially dead and to release to its young widow. that volvio to marry in 1918 and died in 1972 to the 83 years of age. Fermina Oliva, died in 1968 in its house of Uclés to the 98 years of age, never married.
SOrry by my inglish
I am a Spanish woman of birth and i'd like details to explain to you on this Spanish couple.
Maria Josefa, was called popularly "Pepipta"(very popular name in spain)
Those pictures were published on a spanish website. There is a short biography of the Peñasco y Castellana told by her great-grand niece or something like that. There is information about another spanish-cuban passengers in first class like Mr Oviez y Rodriguez and in second class, like the Durán y More sister, Ms Reynaldo