Remembering Marshall Drew

Hi Shell,

What a loving tribute. Can it really be 16 years? It seems like yesterday.....

There are so many memories of his wonderful man that could fill a book, and all of them wouldn't have been possible without you. I remember most of all his friendliness and sense of humor - one felt so relaxed being in his presence.

I also remember the warm summer nights in 1985 when Marshall would visit and your living room became a gathering spot for all to hear his tale. He had a remarkable memory of that maiden voyage, and he recalled events from 73 years ago as if they had just happened. Marshall had so many memories of the Titanic but clearly his greatest love were his artistic interests - painting, photography and so many others.

I recall the television crew that came in April 1985 to tape your "Titanic dinner." Marshall was getting tired of their continuous filming and demanding requests. Once the toast was captured on tape for the 100th time, Marshall blurted out, "Hurray". The crew thought it was funny too, and left his comment in on the televised segment.

We were blessed to have known him, and still miss him after so many years. I often wonder what he would have thought had he lived another fifteen years. He lived to see the Titanic found, but never saw her more fully explored and photographed. He would have loved to have been given the opportunity to participate in the 1996 Titanic expeditions, and would have surely had a comment about the Cameron film. What would he have thought of it all? I often wonder.

Thanks again for the moving tribute, Shell. He was truly a great man and his memory will be one to cherish forever.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting any Titanic survivor or their descendent, but Mr. Marshall sounds like an incredible human being that touched many lives. That was a beautiful tribute to him and I feel like I know him just a little bit more.
I went to view this site, but the text is all jumbled together when I try to read it. Perhaps it is better viewed in Netscape than IE, I don't know. Anyone else having this problem?
Shelley, You were very fortunate to have this gentleman as a friend. I remember the nice article that you had written on Mr. Drew for the Titanic Commutator when he passed away.
I use IE and have never had a problem with Shelley's site. (Server gremlins perhaps?) I hope to see it keep on growing too. I rarely comment on it, but I do enjoy it. Marshall Drew sounds like one of those chaps who lived life to the fullest and never let anything get him down. One can only hope we do as well!

Michael H. Standart