Olivier Mendez
I recently published on ET a picture captioned "Jack Thayer Jr and Barabara Stanwyck". This picture is from L'ILLUSTRE, a weekly magazine published in September 1956 in Switzerland. The language of the magazine is French, and the caption reads: "Jack Thayer junior, aujourd'hui un homme de 61 ans, eut la profonde satisfaction de constater, qu'í l'écran, on avait rendu un juste hommage au magnifique courage de sa mí¨re. Il rendit visite í Barbara Stanwyck, qui personnifie Mrs. Thayer dans le film, et lui décrivit l'admirable personne que fut Mrs. Thayer". Yet, I know that the man on the picture is NOT Jack Thayer Jr, who died in 1945. Then, if the man on the picture really is Jack Thayer Jr, when was it taken and why should he be with Stanwyck? If the picture was really taken on the set of Fox's TITANIC, who is the man on the picture? Can anyone identify this man as a member of the Thayer family? Could he be one of the Thayers (a cousin, a grandson...)?
Or maybe is he just another Titanic survivor the reporter mistook with Jack Thayer?
Thanks for your help!
--> L'Illustré, revue hebdomadaire suisse, N° 37, Lausanne, 13 Sept. 1956, page 30
Or maybe is he just another Titanic survivor the reporter mistook with Jack Thayer?
Thanks for your help!
--> L'Illustré, revue hebdomadaire suisse, N° 37, Lausanne, 13 Sept. 1956, page 30