Michael, Peter:
I suspect that the connection between Daniel, as the Virginia State Senator, and his death in 1940 connected to "drinking" may have prompted Thayer's someone's reference to him in the 1940 account. Thayer wrote this before "Night To Remember" was published or made into a movie. As such, Joughlin's heavy drinking story, and survival, may not have been widely known. Thus, in the context of wealthy social circles, when Thayer's "someone" heard of a Titanic passenger's death from "drinking," they probably made a connection to the guy Thayer had been describing for years on the Titanic - - unbeknownst of Joughlin's exploits. I don't believe Thayer and Daniel were colleagues; Thayer was 17, Daniel, 29; although Daniel spent some time in New York and Philadelphia, from 1926 on he lived exclusively in Virginia. Frankly, I think Thayer left out Daniel's name from the account because he wasn't sure that the "someone" was right. Do you know where Daniel got the name "Gamon de Pycombe" for his champion French bulldog? Is this the name of some important person? Interestingly, after the Titanic disaster, Danile suffered through three marriages and died from drinking, this makes him a candidate for inclusion in the conversation on "Survivors Suicides."