The lost asplund children

Andy In

does anyone know why filip, clarence, and carl's bodies werent recovered? and when carl snr.'s body was recovered, where was carl jnr.'s? lillian said that carl snr. was holding carl jnr. i am kind of confused. can anyone help?!!!!!!!!

Trevor pretty much hit the nail on the head. By the time any search vessels arrived on scene to search for bodies, the wind and the wave had already had some time to do it's thing. Add to that the fact that a bodyis one mighty small object to try and pick out on the ocean and you realize it's amazing that so many were recovered at all.
Andy, I don't think you are going to find any photographs of Lillian in her later years. The only photo I have ever seen of Lillian was when she was a child and those photos can be found on the internet. She is a survivor who never wanted to talk about the Titanic and is just the opposite of Millvina Dean who has always openly talked about the Titanic.
It was probably a lot more difficult for Lillian than for Millvina though - although they both lost family members in the sinking, Millvina was far too young to remember anything of it, where as Lillian was old enough that she surely would have had atleast some vague memories of the sinking.

Good suggestion by Christina as well.
Thankyou adam im wanting to research the unidentified bodies that were found see if i can come up with more. Ive been interested in the titanic for a long time. And have alot of time on my hands so I can do the research.
I know there has also been speculation on body number 4 also over the years was there ever really any confirmation it was simon goodwins if not could it have been carl juniors.