Boat 15 & the Asplund Family

I was just curious - would anyone know why boat 15 continued to lower even while there were at least 3 children (Filip, Clarence & Carl Asplund) still onboard and in an earlier message i discovered Lillian had been dropped while the boat descended.
How far was Lillian's fall?

Hi Matt,

Hope to be of some help here.

Lillian related over a decade ago that she remembered being dropped by her father into the arms of a sailor after passing through what she thought was a window.

I never asked her how far the drop was and the only other detail that she added was that she remembered looking up and seeing her father still at the window, with her brothers peering over the side beside him. A sad story indeed.

Sorry not to have been of more help.

Best regards,

Mike Findlay
Hey Michael,
That really is a sad story - i really feel sorry for Selma Asplund especially. It is hard to comprehend just how she must have felt loosing her husband and three children.

Best Regards,