Winifred Vera Quick

On ET she is listed as living in a retirement home in East Lansing, Detroit Michigan...I want to know which city? East Lansing or Detroit?

Being a native of Michigan, I can tell you they are two completely different cities. I was born in East Lansing, home of Michigan State University. Detroit is a good 2-3 hour drive from Lansing.
I don't want to know just to contact her, I was asking a question and stating that East Lansing and Detroit where two different cities. I think it is a little thoughtless to be calling nursing homes to find out if they accept visitors to talk with someone who it too young to remember anything about the Titanic.

I have seen your posts, and as a researcher I find them a little bewildering. Most of the answers for the questions you ask can either be found on the site or you could do a little research yourself. If people help that is great, but to study the Titanic <FONT COLOR="red"> YOU need to do research into it yourself. Follow leads, check records, read a book or two (there are lots out there).

I know it sounds mean, but look at the work people have put into their research for people and events surounding the Titanic. My research has lead me to books, newspapers, obits., marriage records, the list goes on. Doing your own research is rewarding. And who knows, you may find out something new and never before discovered. A little know fact or interview.

I do think you should give up this obsession you seem to have about finding relatives/decendants of the survivors. Most of what they have to tell (if anything) has already been told.
Well, you are right it does sound mean. How can you say that about me. You do not even know me. I do a lot of research. I do not have an obsession with it. I have gotton many letters aroun the us from relatives. I happend to have researched it myself. I am only 15 years old and I proud of myself for what I have done so far. Unlike you it was my childhood dream to MEET one of the survivors not to do a INTERVIEW. Since I was born in 1984, most of them were deceased by the time I really got involved with the Titanic. You really hurts my feelings, thanks a lot. Oh, most of the things relatives had to say has NEVER been told, because I have letters from different people telling me things it bet even you the BIG researcher does not even know. This is a GREAT website and it gave me alot of answers when I did research on passengers. ALL the questions I have asked are not answered on this website. I am really upset that you feel that way about someone you do not even know. I was simply answering what I thought was a question. To be honest I wanted to look through all the questions to return a favor by answering some questions because people have answered mine. You really are very mean. Well, I will not let you get the best of me , and will say no more because this site is not for that.
I usually don't post here, just lurk and read. But she is sort of right. From reading most of your posts one would think you didn't do any research, that is just the general impression. I know others who though the same thing. Plus in none of the posts you stated you had done the research, or anything like that. You always stated you wanted to know about this or that, but never said anything about what you have done as far as research.

I hope your attack on her has not kept her from posting on here. She has a lot of information about passengers and crew that has not be written about or told on both the Titanic and the California. She even sent me an excerpt from an interview she did with the grandson of a crew member of the California who's grandfather was on duty the night of the sinking. So I think it would be a shame if that information is left untold.

I think her post was a little forward, but I don't think she was meaning to attack you. She has posted her email in the past (I know I contacted her before) so you could have easily replied to her that way. I am only posting a reply here to let you and others know if she stops posting here, she may never reveal the information she has. She has kept it to herself all these years. She said that the information she has is going to be posting here on this message board. I hope she still wants to post here.

I have said my peace! Back to the shadows!

Hi Mark,
Just a couple of thoughts which I hope will help you out. First of all, it's always good to have new people interested in Titanic and the passengers and crew and starting at your age will give you the opportunity to learn a lot and to discover a lot over the years. If people are rude ( and I'm not alluding to anyone) ignore them. There are a lot of nice people who do research on Titanic and are always willing to help out.

You'll get a lot more answers to your questions by asking one thing at a time and not associating any urgency to your requests. Try it and see how it works. As far as getting information on the family members, most of them have been inundated with requests for information and long-time researchers are somewhat reluctant to give out information to people they don't know as they don't want to contribute to any unwanted annoyance the family might have to endure. Let us all get to know you on several forums and approach everything less agressively and you'll see some rewards I'm sure. Long time researchers have done very detailed and expensive work in tracking down information on the Titanic and its people and aren't always willing to just throw the information out publicly although some are more willing than others. You'll know which are which soon enough if you hang around and do a little observation.

I hope I don't sound condescending as that isn't my purpose. Welcome to the search and good luck.
Thank you, for being nice about what you have to say. I am thankful your advice and will use it. It is just that no one of this good site knows me at all. I am constanly on the computer doing research of my own. Constantly. I wish that before I am judged people will get to know me. I was just trying to answer a question to be nice and see what I get. I do as much research on my own that I can do. It does not hurt to be assisted by others at some point. I am a sophmore in school and have a life so I cannot devote my whole life to the Titanic and her Passengers like I would like. I guess I have never really met rude people on this website, because it is such a great and friendly one. I have been helped by nice people such as: Cameron Bell, Mike Herbold, and another Mike( I forgot his last name) but I will surely take your advice. Thank you.

Mark : )
Don't worry about the bad comments you received. It is always difficult to enter a discussion when someone is new. Everybody have to pass by this point one day. When you will become a current member, trust me, you will be appreciated. Best regards,

Charles Provost