Jewish passengers

Are you just interested in Moore or all Jewish passengers? Jakob Birnbaum is one good example. His death can be related to the fact that he held off returning to the USA so that he could celebrate Passover with his family.
Thank you Mike. I looked for Jewish names and found many. I think Moore cannot be the real name of this woman and her son and would like to know a real name. Your friend, Esther.
Yesterday, while researching, I ran across someone named "Rabbi Vidaver." "Vidaver" is Ruth Dodge's family name. Does anyone have any information on whether Ruth Dodge was Jewish?
Hi Daniel and Iain
The Evans family was not Jewish, The Navratils were Catholic (though Mr. N. is buried in a Jewish Cemetery). The Aks, Taussigs, Meyers, Goldenbergs, Strauses, Mr. Salomon, Miss Dropkin, Mr. Foreman, Mr. Birnbaum, Meyer and Bella Moore, and many others were. Concerning the old questions above, the Moores' names are often seen spelled Moor and I've seen numerous references to that being "the original spelling"--however I have several affidavits signed by the Moores themselves in which they state emphatically that the spelling was "Moore"--had always been "Moore"-- and that "Moor" was simply a misspelling that arose at the time of their arrival in America. They were very pointed in making that distinction.

Hello there,
I am writing to enquire about a Jewish family called Saks. I think they may have been second class passengers. They were also known to have a pet monkey on board with them. Can anyone help me with this?

Dear Sally,

That's sure a first! I have heard of mummies
and jewels filled with curses, but never a
You are referring to Mrs Edgar Joseph Meyer
who was born Leila Saks in Baltimore, Maryland
in 1886. Her father, Andrew Saks, had just
passed away in New York, and thus the lady
and her husband were travelling home after
receiving the bad news.

Hope this helps.
I found out that Mrs. Dodge was the daughter of Rabbi Vidaver, so she was jewish. Both Vidaver and the Meyer families lived in San Francisco and New York. The Meyer family was jewish, too. Perhaps they knew each other. There's certainly evidence of that. The Meyer family invested heavily in Dr. Dodge's company, Federal Telegraph, and later, went after Dodge, ousted him from the company's presidency, etc. Maybe Dodge knew the Meyer family through Ruth. Later, however, Dodge called them "certain rich New Yorkers," denied he knew them, and denied selling them any stock.
That would make Master Dodge Jewish as well, as the religion the "Jewishness" is passed on through the mother. So you can have a long line of non Jewish fathers, but so long as the mother is Jewish, the kids are counted to be Jewish as well.
I don't suppose that anyone would happen to know if the cruiseline would have provided Kosher food for Jewish guests.. would they?
I'm trying to do some research for a story I'm working on...
I can't remember where I saw it, but the Galley/Pantry areas also had kosher sections for the food to be prepared and stored. I'm guessing the cutlery and crockery were also kept separate for the meat and milk separations.
In "Last Dinner on the Titanic", there is a 3rd class menu; "Specimen Third Class Bill of Fare", where at the bottom is stated: "Kosher Meat Supplied and Cooked for Jewish Passengers as desired", so there was accommidation for the preparation of food suited to Jewish orthodoxy.