Juho Stranden

Ahti Kopperi in Finland is writing a book about the Strandens. including Juho on the Titanic. Now he has written the book for 3 years and it contains now more than 500 pages. When the book is finished in 2012, it will contain 700 pages. From 1928 Juho lived with his wife in Ruskeala. eastside of the nowadays border of Finland. The couple had no children. There Juho died 28 August 1943. Ruskeala is now a part of Russia. The author has asked me for more information about Juho Stranden. May be anybody in this forum has got anything?
Hello Arne - long time no hear from you? I have tried to contact you via email but the link does not work?

Anyway here is what I have on Mr. Stranden:
STRANDEN, MR. JUHO. Saved in Lifeboat number 11. Age 31 years. Address - Kitee, Finland. En route to Duluth, Minnesota. Had previously lived in the USA.
Insurance claim number 3 & 6. Injury: $350. Property $150.
(From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913).
Case number 435. (Finnish). Farmer, aged 30, unmarried. ($50).
Mr Juho Strandén, 31, was a single man from Kitee, Eastern Finland. He boarded the Titanic at Southampton and was travelling to Duluth, Minnesota.
Juho had never been on the Atlantic Ocean before. He was woken by the crash, rushed up on forward deck where he saw ice. Later he saw people with lifebelts and rushed down again. He woke his cabin-mate Johan Niskanen, they moved up to boat deck where they, according to them, assisted in loading a lifeboat on starboard side before entering the same (probably) lifeboat 11.
In New York he was quartered at St. Vincent Hospital.
(From Ahti Kopperi 27/9/2000)
Juho Niilosson Stranden was born 20th April 1881 in Muljula a village in Kitee. Juho then moved to Kitee in the parish of Pyhaselka on 14th December 1925. Pyhaselka lies near the town of Joensuu and the main newspapers there are Karjalainen and Karjalan Maa.
Juho has one brother, Pekka, born 13th August 1876, he also had one sister Anna Alviina born in Kitee on 20th June 1888, she died 22nd March 1893. Juhos brother Pekka was married on the 6th July 1899 to Tilda Maria Toropainen. The couple raised ten children and they also moved to Phyaselka on 26th July 1923.

I hope that it is of interest?
