William Allen

In August 2000, I dove on Titanic and we retrieved a large leather bag belonging to 3rd class passenger William Allen. I would like to learn some details about this man. All I know is that he perished, was 35 and came from Lower Clapton, Middlesex and boarded the Titanic at Southampton.
What we have here on our bio pages is...unfortunately...very limited.

"Mr William Henry Allen, 35, of Lower Clapton, Middlesex boarded the Titanic at Southampton (ticket number 373450, £8 1s).

Allen died in the disaster. His body, if recovered, was never identified."

I can't say as this lack of information is much of a shock. Most of the people in 3rd class were just plain folks who lived their lives with little notice or fanfare. The wonder of it is that we can find out as much about them as we do. Hopefully, one of our passenger oriented members knows more.

Michael H. Standart
In one of my many trips to the UK to research
the passengers, I came across an article con-
cerning Mr Allen's aunt, who had to be called
away from a village council meeting to be given
the news of the disaster. I do have another
short article, will type in to your mail
address shortly.

Any snippets available as to what was found
in the luggage?

Best Regards,

Brian Meister
Hi Gail!

Not so sure whether this will help your family-tree any further, but amongst my possessions I do retain The National Roll Of The Great War 1914-1918, Section 1, London. Inside the pages are entries for the Allens, listing at least, 19 altogether.

Question Gail:- Did William Henry Allen, have a brother?

If this does help your cause, then by all means send me an e-mail and I'll see what I can look up!

Cheers for now.

Andrew W.
Hi all, I have tried searching for Mr Allen on the 1881 census, I think it would he would have been about 4. I have found several possibilities does anyone have any info that would help me find him? for instance the name of his aunt in the newspaper article?
Best wishes,
Hi all, I have tried searching for Mr Allen on the 1881 census, I think he would have been about 4. I have found several possibilities does anyone have any info that would help me find him? for instance the name of his aunt in the newspaper article?
Best wishes,
Evening all,

According to a Birmingham newspaper, William Allen, 37, of 78 Queen's Road, Erdington, Birmingham, had stayed with his parents in London for a few days before sailing. He planned to get a job in the U.S. whilst staying with an uncle at 593 Eleventh Avenue, New York City. He was the best friend of steward George Hinckley.

Hinckley, 35, originally of Derby, had left his job at Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co. Ltd, Adderley Park, Birmingham. As Allen is described as a Tool Maker, I would say it is highly likely that the two men worked together.

In the passenger death register, his last abode is given as c/o F Hunt at the Birmingham address. I believe this would be his aunt?

I live very close to Birmingham so at the next opportunity I will research this further.

Hope this helps,

Hi Boz,
Thanks for that info I shall have another look on the disc.

Evening Em,

Gail's internet access is on the blink until at least the 31st May so I sent her what I posted above by e-mail.
What disc is this you have? A census disc?



P.S. Off to have a well deserved pint of Stella.
Hi Boz,
yes I have the 1881 census disc. It is fascinating. I even found Captain Smith the other day along with Florence Nightingale and other well known victorians!
best wishes,
Morning Em,

How do I get a copy of this disc? All this type of research is completely new to me! It beats sitting in a library all day pouring over reels and reels of microfilm.


Evening All
Perhaps I have something which may be of interest to you all in one way or another. My maternal grandmother was Caroline Allen and through her the Allen family photo album has come into my hands. It contains the photograph of a young man, I guess mid-twenties, on the back of which is written "William, eldest son of Alfred Allen. Drowned in the Titanic Disaster". I will try and upload this photo if I can work out how!

And now I think it gets really interesting. The father of Caroline Allen is William Henry Allen, born 1846/7; he and his family appear in the 1881 census at Commercial Street, Birmingham. He was an Ironmaster (owner of an iron-foundry) as had his father William been before him. I imagine they worked together at some point. I have the business card of WH Allen showing the foundry, called the Washington Foundry, on one side and stating that he made constructional iron work on the other.
In the 1870s he was sued in the High Court in London over a prefabricated bridge which he had supplied to the US to span the Ohio River and which had collapsed. I guess this dealt a severe financial blow and in late 1881 he simply ran away to the US, but where to we do not know. His family was simply left in the lurch and quickly went from prosperity to penury. Fortunately they were very resilient and rebuilt their lives.
Now I am not sure of this but I suspect that Alfred Allen was William the Elder's brother so his son Wlliam was William the Elder's nephew; could he have been the uncle Young William was travelling to in NYC?
I would be very interested in knowing if there was anything in the bag found on the Titanic, whether anyone has any information on WHA the Elder living in the US and about the newspaper articles about Young WHA living in Birmingham and about his aunt being called from a meeting (could that have been my great -grandmother?)
Evening all,

According to a Birmingham newspaper, William Allen, 37, of 78 Queen's Road, Erdington, Birmingham, had stayed with his parents in London for a few days before sailing. He planned to get a job in the U.S. whilst staying with an uncle at 593 Eleventh Avenue, New York City. He was the best friend of steward George Hinckley.

Hinckley, 35, originally of Derby, had left his job at Birmingham Metal and Munitions Co. Ltd, Adderley Park, Birmingham. As Allen is described as a Tool Maker, I would say it is highly likely that the two men worked together.

In the passenger death register, his last abode is given as c/o F Hunt at the Birmingham address. I believe this would be his aunt?

I live very close to Birmingham so at the next opportunity I will research this further.

Hope this helps,

Good Afternoon, I believe the F. Hunt is his Uncle Fred. Fred Hunt was the brother of Williams mother Hannah Salina Allen (nee Hunt)
Debbie HUnt