William John Rogers

Here is my print out on Mr. Rogers - I hope it is of some assistance to you:
Rogers, Mr. William John. Missing. Miner. Aged 29 years.
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number P. 86. Rogers, Hilda, sister, and Charles, brother, received 3s 0d. weekly.

(From The Cambria Daily Leader, April 17th 1912)
Mr. Evan Davies of Ynismond, Glais, who was on board the Titanic with Mr. J. Rogers, another Swansea Valley man. It is feared that the lives of both have been lost.
Our Swansea Valley reporter writes:
The names of W. J. Rogers and Evan Davies, of Ynisynmond, near Pontardawe, who were on the Titanic, do not appear in the list of survivors, and it is taken for granted that they have gone down amongst the 1,400. Rogers is 29 years of age, married, with one child, and it was only last Friday an order was made against him at the Pontardawe Police Court for wife desertion. Davies, who is a nephew of Rogers, is 23 years of age, and has been brought up with Rogers and family at the Ynisymond Ycha Farm.

(From The Western Mail, Thursday, 20th April 1912)
Swansea Valley Victims
It now transpires that the Titanic has claimed another victim from the Swansea Valley. In addition to Mr. W. J. Rogers, whose name appeared in the list of passengers in the Western mail in the early part of the week, it seems that he was accompanied on the voyage by a nephew Evan Davies, a collier, who lived with Mr. Rogers, near Allwen. Davies was a native of Bryncoch, near Neath, where his father resides.

In Sotheby's July 21/22 1992 Sale Lot 278: RMS Titanic postcard sent from the Titanic, written to James Day of Swansea by his friend ''W.J.R.'' in pencil . .. Just a line to show that I am alive & kicking going grand its a treat . . . '' coloured postcard depicting the Titanic, postmarked from Queenstown 11 April 1912. Posted at Queenstown three days before the disaster. It is understood that the writer William John Rogers did not survive.

Best regards
Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.