Patrick Lane

Howdy, my name is James Gardner and I live in Phoenix Arizona. My great uncle was Patrick Lane of Limerick Ireland. Do you know where I can find more information about him? Thanks.
James, Encyclopedia Titanica has only this about him.

"Mr Patrick Lane, 20, was a resident of Limerick City, Co Limerick, Ireland. He was heading to New York City and boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 7935, £7 15s).

Patrick Lane died in the disaster. His body, if recovered, was never identified."

You may find more in a recent book called The Irish Aboard Titanic by Senan Molony. Senan is an Irish journalist and has combed local records very thoroughly.
There is an entry for Patrick Lane in Senan's book, James - you might want to get ahold of the book or contact the author. Nellie O'Dwyer, also from Limerick City, is quoted in the Brooklyn Daily Times as having discussed 'Poor Paddy Lane', and the Limerick Chronicle for 23 April 1912 reported a communication from the White Star Agents in Limerick regarding his loss.