Ralph Giles

Ralph Giles, one of my earliest Westcountry passenger researches has always eluded me as far as his destination in America was concerned.
I have recently discovered (via the Ellis Island website) that a Ralph Giles arrived in NY on 14 February 1912 on Olympic, if this is the same Ralph Giles then Titanic was not his first Atlantic crossing.
Has anyone ever seen reference to this Devon born 2nd class passenger in any newspaper, particularly those in America?
Thanks in anticipation..
Giles learned his business skills in the wholesale drapery trade in Exeter, and had very recently become a partner in a New York millinery business. He did indeed first arrive in NYC on the Olympic on that date, and was returning there on Titanic from a trip to Paris, presumably to buy stock or negotiate with suppliers. Information from Titanic People (Craig Stringer).
Bob, thanks very much and of course a thank you to Craig.
Ralph's father was a draper so it was understandable that his son should follow suit.
I wonder if we could find out the name of the new York millinery business?